Cecil, I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. I feel that way too. It's been the worse year I've had. I had the flu shot this year (dammed if I do, dammed if I don't, it seems). Started with the worse case of flu I ever had in January (missed 2 days work and felt like hell the rest of the time)...spent quite a few weekends in bed. Then I did something freaky to my (R)eye in my sleep (scratched it or something, punctured it, and dealing with that, almost healed 100%. But, NO, not enough, I caught this cold which turned into a head cold (and I knew bronchitis). Felt like hell again, dragging myself to work and finally to the doctor as I couldn't breath and wasn't getting any sleep (nor was my husband). Well, I had severe earache, sever sinus and severe bronchitis!! Just shoot me! I cannot wait until winter is over, this has been a hec of a season for me. And I'm still fighting the bronchitis and cold 3 weeks later, not better, second round of antibotics. And like the others said, I'm heard it's at all all record flu season and some bad stuff going around.