Thanks guys !! We will need lots of help. I am going to get my old data out also so that would help Bruce. I think this does not need to be a huge chore for anyone. We will have to think about how to compile the data in addition to posting here. I believe it will just be date , temp , type of spawning activity or not and special conditions present. They don't have to be every day stats (once a week or even less will help). Lets see what Bob and Bill need.

The main thing we will need is a bunch of sources ( 1000 points of lights as GHW Bush would say) so think about who can help form the grid. So far we have Neb , Cent. Ohio , WV , Cent. MS , and N. Cent. TX . We will need a much bigger and tighter grid than that. Volunteers ?

If anyone can think of any other threads here that should be included post them.

This may be another PB is tops in the class event. To my knowledge this data is not available on a nationwide scope. I know in one of the studies the writer had to call and find a person in each state F & W agency to provide data on a one time basis.