Sorry for the delay I only check mail once a day

Yikes what can of worms I have opened.. Ratz to bad I don't have a pond to use them with..:-)

Yes the pond will be in Barbados..

What the water does now..Hummm..the land sucks it up in a way..
But the nature of the soil we have discovered when excavating for the house is .. what I have read so far is first very red clay ...then below that blue clay.. There is a natural dip in the land and it will be perfect for a pond.. and when it rains it stand in this natural dip until either it evaporates or as I said before sucked up by the land and that can take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.. So far I have not seen a big enuff rain to see what happens if the dip gets filled and then where does it go.. Hummm maybe this spring.. when the rainy season begins. up until now the dip has been filled with brush that the land developed pushed in to "hide" the dip from the buyer..

As for my neighbors They are a cane field..

There are no storm drains here.. imagine if you will when is pours.. and the streets flood .. and water everywhere..As I joking tell my wife..the island just got flushed..

One person I have talked to about this suggested.. a suck well.. this is a term for a very deep well in which the water could drop into and the be sucked up my the water table.. but I don't know how this will work in the long term..

The idea about talking to the owners of the cane field is a good one..Will give it a shot..

Lastly.. We DON"T limbo here..ROFL.. or at least that is only for silly toursit.. we do what is called Wuking UP..If you have ever seen Dirty Dancing.. well that's for kids compared to Wuking Up..

The Beer here is Banks.. a world famous beer.. Won may awards.. but Hey! why come here to drink beer.. We are the creators of RUM!!!! Now That's a Man's Drink..:-P

Thanks all

RockChalk Jayhawks