Thanks for posting those photos Ahvasta. I think they should serve as a reminder for several things:

1. Working around a pond can be dangerous - so be careful.

2. Working with a tractor on an incline can be dangerous - so be careful.

3. Combining 1 and 2 can be VERY dangerous so be VERY careful.

4. If you ingnore items 1 through 3 take photos just so the rest of us don't feel like complete idiots when we ignore items 1 through 3.

I decided to forge a seasonal stream across my property last year with a Polarius Ranger. Sunk it up the the floor board. So here I was in the Ranger with my wife riding shotgun stuck in the middle of a small stream. The banks of the stream were muddy as heck. I had to jump out of the Ranger wade through the VERY cold stream, and through the mud to get to dry land. I still had my "driving shoes" on - slip on outdoor shoes - that are comfy for driving. I lost one on the deep mud. So picture in your minds eye JHAP soaking wet, and muddy, wearing only one shoe, hiking back up to camp to get my 4Runner. This would have been very funny except I had just driven over 500 miles in the 4Runner to get to the pond property and was a wee bit tired. I probably should have taken photos but after 9 hours on the road, then setting up camp my humor level wasn't up to par. I might have even uttered a bad word. Possibly even two.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)