So folks there you have it \:\) Cats are just as good as Bass when it come to predation \:D

Seriously folks, to most of us, who are students on this subject, would probably think it's "Utterly Ridiculous" to think that one could have a sucsesful fishery with out having first the basic building blocks, to any pond or lake. One of thoes building blocks being a well balance between Bass and Bream!!
Bass are by far, the most studied and researched fish in this industry, and a close second is the Blue gill and Red ear.
Channels have not been studied or considered as a predetor because most people really want and like Bass, which really works fine as a preditor. With this high demand for trophey Bass, comes years extensive research and knowledge on this species, almost to the point that it seems only right and natural for Large Mouth bass to exsist in any sucsesful pond.