I am relatively new to Pondboss and understand the reasoning for sticking with standard stocking plans like LMB and BG (and channel cats), or SMB and yellow Perch in small ponds to prevent stunted fish, etc. However, in upstate NY I regularly fish a few public "lakes" that are more like large ponds: one is 5 and one is 11 acres in the same park land. They are not stocked nor managed by the state (may have been stocked at one time or are natural. They seem to be in perfect balance, even for relatively small water bodies. One is great fishing with chain pickerel and LMB as predators and BG (maybe some GSF or other sunfish species, not sure) and yellow perch as forage, along with bullheads, rock bass, shiners, many crayfish, some frogs, etc. and I see no stunted fish or too many of one species when I fish there. I have also used a minnow net and caught YOY pickerel, BG, LMB, bullheads, crayfish, etc. at various times of year. I guess it is partly due to much open water, but also some small areas of spatterdock and weeds for cover, and some other natural structure (rocks, logs). Just curious if anyone out there has tried stocking their pond with multiple predators and prey species. It seems to work in nature, even in these small "lakes" (large ponds) up here. I was thinking of putting in chain pickerel along with the LMB in my uncle's NJ farm pond of 1.5 acres and also some yellow perch to supplement the BG. There is not a lot of weeds in my uncle's pond, so pickerel would not likely take over. I know Northern Pike would be an issue in a small pond, but pickerel seem to be a nice smaller size and fun to catch. Any thoughts on stepping outside the normal stocking wisdom - just trying to expand the fishing fun and creating something closer to what you find in nature.