On carying capacity,
There are two things that I think have been some what overlooked so far.
First, every lake has a maximum. No matter what you do your lake can only produce so much algae.
Second, trophic levels. Plankton is the first trohpic level. About 99.99% of the mass of a trophic level is lost when it is consumed. i.e. 1000 pound of plankton equals about .1 lb minnows. Diffrent fish eat diffrent parts of the lowest trophic levels. A school of gizzard shad feeds in open water and BG feed in cover. They utilize somewhat diffrent habbitat and so thier net production exceeds that of just BG.
But to directly answer and earlier question, No your forage base can never be large enough so that diffrent predators do not compete. The predators, if reproduction occurs, will simply expand untill they reach the limits of thier enviroment.
The limits of thier enviroment include food availability, and food availability is directly tied to the limited amound of plankton in your lake.