OK, here's the story, as told by Bruce Condello, to Bruce Condello in his twisted, snoring induced (not MY snoring, by the way), dream-trip in the upper bunk bed of Lusk Lodge II.

Bruce Condello, Theo Gallus and Sunil were taking a relaxed stroll through the beautiful acres surrounding the Lusk Lodge. The weather was a gorgeous 70+ degrees. The trees were fully leafed out and the sun was beaming.

Theo pointed off to the southwest part of the Lusk acres and says, "Hey, Isn't that Bill Cody meandering toward the Lusk Space Shuttle?".

It wasn't until that point that I realized that Lusk actually was in possession of a shuttle. I squinted through the amber, sunny haze and beheld a gleaming space shuttle, complete with launch pad.

I was admittedly a little taken aback that Lusk had one of these things. It didn't seem right to me, but I was willing to accept it. And yes, sure enough, there was Cody actually opening the door to the shuttle.

Theo Gallus then offers "I'm a little uneasy about Bill Cody getting in the Shuttle. I think he may be attempting to fly that thing!".

Suddenly flames shot out of the base of the Space Shuttle, and within seconds he had achieved a flawless takeoff....but soon things would go wrong. Horribly wrong.

The Space shuttle began with an uneventful straight-up launch, but then unexpectedly turned into a horizontal path and blew directly across us, overhead at about Mach 1.5. Then, shortly after passing over us, it took a starboard 90 degree roll, then went nose down and smashed hard into the dirt about 100 yards on the other side of Lusk's main pond.

A plume of dust rose up, but thankfully the shuttle was mostly intact.

The door to the Space Shuttle opens, and a sheepish Bill Cody walks out and surveys the wreckage, taking a moment to dust off his pants.

Sunil, in a moment of understated mixture of disgust and sarcasm let loose with his immortal statement.

"Well, there goes ten million dollars."

I'm hoping that Theo will repeat his original interpretation of the dream, offered to me that following morning.

Last edited by Bruce Condello; 01/18/08 12:10 AM. Reason: How do you edit something, that by definition shouldn't make any sense?

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.