Bruce, I was half joking about the muskies in my pond, but then never know.

I need to break down and get a good thermometer and start taking water temps at different places and different depths. The problem is I still wouldn't know the DO level, and that equipment is very expensive for someone with just a one acre pond. When I was on my TPW & UT-Tyler turtle trapping tracking excursions they had a real nice thermometer for taking water temps but in C but I could get used to that. Got any suggestions on where to get a good one for sinking into water?

BTW I read that post on how to clean a turtle, but you haven't lived until you hold one while someone is sticking a needle into its front leg getting a blood sample or a thermometer into its butt getting it's tempature, lol.

I know the further into the continent one goes the more extremes the temps.....i.e. NE summer temps will get as high as ours down here, but how are you night summer temps? I have seen it in mid-summer where there over 30 days over 100 with the lows at night never getting below 85, and that is what is hot, no cool mornings.

Guess the point need a thermometer and use it and log it.

Thanks about the story, I mainly told it because Yolk Sac is from TN.

I never get enough BS....haven't you noticed I got more than my fair share.


Last edited by Bill Webb; 11/02/07 09:42 PM.

I wish I had the tenacity of GSF!