Hi,Bill.This is all about stocking rates and the size of the smallies when stocked.The smb that I like to stock is between 4to8" If the bluegill is stocked at a rate of .50 normal rates then the only thing that is going to be overpopulated is the fishermen on the bank.The SMB will keep the bluegill pop. in tact they don't target the big bluegill because well the name says it all Smallmouth.But the fry to 3" size is fair game and in the north it makes a nice balance.The only thing that I didn't add was the channels.Stock these at below normal rates last 4to6" is good.I have stocked 3to4 ponds this way and all are doing better than the large mouth at growth and population balance.The owners are happy and won't let me take my best friend fishing.The Smb are 4years old and are between 3.5 to almost 5 pounds with plenty of huge bluegill to throw on the dinner plate.This type of pond needs to be monitored close to keep a good balance but is well worth it. DOC
