Originally Posted By: george1
I wasn’t going to say anything about this, but since we are all family and this is a landmark occasion, I’m going to blab….

Yesterday I graduated from three month medical exams to six month interval examinations – cancer free for the past 24 months….!

I sincerely hope this message will reach others that experience cancer, or have loved ones that face this dreaded reality to seek early treatment.
DO NOT accept a death sentence prognosis.
Seek a second or more opinion as I did some four years ago.

I strongly recommend a research/teaching hospital where the latest medical technology and treatment will be available, that is not available to the general medical community.

I was blessed with world-class doctors and staff that saved my life.

"Live for the Day
Learn from Yesterday
Dream for Tomorrow."

George Glazener


I'm so glad you blabbed. My wife's 82 year old aunt is spending the week with us. At age 55 she had part of a lung removed due to lung cancer. It extended the life of most of her generation of siblings and inlaws. My 86 year old father-in-law spent the weekend with us. He quit smoking the day she was diagnosed.

As you say, much success is due to teaching hospitals -- in our case, Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA.

Thanks for keeping on, and for helping educate.

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