Pond Boss
Posted By: rickro will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/04/05 09:27 PM
I have anew pond about a year old+- .5 areas.It is surrounded by barren sandy sides.I have planted a ground cover which is just coming up.I hopping this will help on the 4 inch visibility that is from the clay?
The pond did turn clearer after a several days of rain.A small dry feeder creek filled it up and must have deposited alot of leaves,because it was brown.After the pond went down a few feet it lost its brown color and went back to that milky clay color.
Can i fertize and will this cause an alge bloom that my take the suspened clay paticles out? The pond has never shown any green color.
Posted By: Meadowlark Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/05/05 03:02 PM

No, fertilization will not improve your water clarity...fertilization is used to make clear water "green" with plankton.

Your water problem is probably due to what you described...barren banks around the pond...get some vegetation established ASAP. Also consider liming your pond. If it is new and after you get some ground cover established, your water will clear naturally unless you have an alkalinity problem that requires addition of lime.
Posted By: rickro Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/05/05 03:47 PM
I read in a texas parks and wildlife article on clay turbity,that sometimes if you fertilize a pond the photoplankton may coagulate the suspended clay particles and settle them out.
I was wondering if anybody had experence that.

Thanks for reply.I hope something clears it.I hate to waited all my life for a fish pond that
a bass couldnt see to find his meal.
Posted By: Aaron Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/11/05 08:32 PM
Your banks must not be all sand if you have clay turbidity. Sand is too heavy to suspend.

Fertilizer will help promote a plankton bloom, however, you need light and if light penetration is retarded by suspended solids you will not get a bloom.

Gypsum and aluminum sulfate are cheap ways to get rid of turbidity, but I would recommend the gypsum first, for alum will decrease your alkalinity.
Posted By: rickro Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/12/05 05:17 PM
shoiuld i wait till i establish grass cover on banks before gypsum?
Posted By: Aaron Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/12/05 06:55 PM
It is up to you. If you have a lot of clay around the pond, gypsum will be a temporary fix until the next rain. If you have livestock walking around the pond, no chemical treatment will help. But if it is as sandy as you say, you might have more luck. For a 0.5 acre pond it won't take that much gypsum. If you want you can give it a try. It is possible that you could clear it up w/o further applications. I want to warn you that gypsum sometimes doesn't work well and alum is necessary. I would suggest getting a water sample and trying it out. The fertilizer store will let you have a little of both. Alum will work the best, but gypsum may work and not reduce your total alkalinity. Good luck
Posted By: h20fwlkillr Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/13/05 05:56 PM
Try adding 2 square bales of good alfalfa hay to your pond. It will take a little longer to work than the alum or gypsum but is is a lot cheaper. I have used this treatment on 3 of my ponds and only have 1 that needs another treatment every now and then thanks to the bullheads.
Posted By: rickro Re: will fertlizer help clear a pond - 04/15/05 02:58 PM
Thanks for everone taking time to give advice.

I will have to look at both methods and figure it out.

Ps any body needs any oakley or costa del mar sunglasses,i am dealer will give 25% off retail plus shipping.

rick ortizO.D 210 6966500
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