Pond Boss
Posted By: Twar Bullhead? - 06/21/18 02:34 AM
Found these two hanging out near shoe this evening. Tails do not looked forked so I am assuming bullhead? Is this a problem? I have tons of bass and bluegill. Will they keep the population in check out should I plan to come the bullhead?


Attached picture IMG_20180620_193203.jpg
Posted By: anthropic Re: Bullhead? - 06/21/18 05:01 AM
No expert, but look like bullhead to me. If your pond is full of bass & BG, BH probably won't get out of hand. But if you don't like BH, by all means fish them out. They love garden hackle (worms)!
Posted By: Mike Whatley Re: Bullhead? - 06/21/18 08:42 AM
Yup, brown bullhead.
Posted By: snrub Re: Bullhead? - 06/21/18 03:13 PM
Watch for a ball of tiny fingerling black fish about the size of a basketball or larger. That will be the BH fry. You can dip net them out as the ball nears shore. Or just let the LMB take care of them.

In one of my old threads I post a link to an article about BH in farm ponds with LMB. If I remember will look up the link tonight. It basically says enjoy them while you can because the LMB will eat all the fry and the adults will eventually die of old age. So eventually the LMB extirpate them.
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