Pond Boss
Posted By: justinchandler Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/02/17 12:53 PM
So throughout this summer/fall, I have seen very few signs of CNBG hatches. I see the beds, see fish on them, but never the end product....at least not in the numbers that I think I should be. Water chemistry is good, color runs about 18-20 inches on average, so I think the water is fine. I did make a huge effort to add safe haven structure that would allow fry in and out, but no predators last winter. I also spend most of my fishing time removing small bass to aid in fry survival. Is it normal to walk the edge of a 1.5 acte pond and not see a single group of fry?

Edit...My fry structure is offshore near the middle of the bedding areas. Is there a way to set a trap to catch fry to evaluate?
Posted By: ewest Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/02/17 06:29 PM
Yes you can use a trap or seine to gauge small fish numbers.
Posted By: justinchandler Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/02/17 06:50 PM
How would you setup a trap? Use minnow trap? What bait? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Posted By: Jim Wetzel Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/02/17 10:59 PM
I would not use bait for a minnow trap targeting BG. Place along border between vegetated and open area where water is between 12 and 24 inches deep. Allow some day and night set time.
Posted By: snrub Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/03/17 02:35 AM
Try going out at night with a flashlight and look in 1"-6" of water around the bank.

I have actually reached down carefully and scooped up a YOY BG that was sleeping with my hand. They sleep in the relative safety of shallow water. At least some of them do.
Posted By: N.TexasHalfAcre Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/03/17 03:05 AM
snrub, I was just about to suggest that. I hadn’t been seeing any CNBG fry either and was starting to get a little concerned. I went out tonight with a flashlight up in the mouth of the creek that feeds into my pond. It is about 12-18” deep and I saw hundred of CNBG fry darting all over the place. I also saw several bullfrogs and crawfish as well. Pleasantly surprised.
Posted By: Jim Wetzel Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/03/17 10:57 AM
Do not assume young CNBG absent just because none detected in shallows with light. I so not see fry "roosting" so close to shore unless they are really abundant. Additionally, they may not be distributed uniformly around perimeter of pond so, especially if you have had wind. Check a good part of the pond perimeter before scoring a negative.
Posted By: justinchandler Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/04/17 05:19 PM
I set out an unbaited trap yesterday and I will attempt the night search tonight. Thanks guys!
Posted By: FireIsHot Re: Lack of CNBG fry sightings... - 10/04/17 09:12 PM
JC, you can also walk around in the shallow water that have plants along the shore. The muddy water brings them out, and makes them easier to see.

These are LMB fry, but the idea is the same.

Attached picture IMG_1844.JPG
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