Pond Boss
Posted By: hersh Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/06/09 12:55 AM
The fish dealers in my area have told me that I can stock FHM in my new 2 acre pond and they'll reproduce as a sustaining food source for the LM, CC, BG, and RE I'll later stock. I've also spoken to the Iowa DNR who have been extremely helpful and they said I'd basically be wasting my money on FHM because they'd be such a small % of the pond's bio-mass compared to the BG YOY and they'd be wiped out by the 2nd year. I'm inclined to listen to the DNR since they don't have any other motives like selling me fish, but I've also read alot of positive things on here about FHM. I'm curious about what everyone has to say about FHM as a food source and whether they can sustain themselves without restocking every year.
Posted By: Ric Swaim Re: Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/06/09 01:05 AM
I think most agree it is difficult to sustain a pop of FHM with LMB present. However I believe it has been done where lots of vegitation is present.
Reguardless it is still prefered to stock FHM to jump start your pond.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/06/09 01:32 AM
I think the fish dealers in your area are feeding you a line of BS... I don't know of a single pond that has a healthy LMB population that also has a self sustaining FHM population, even with heavy vegetation and spawning structure galore.

FHM simply reproduce fast, are easy eating for LMB and are loved by LMB. They just get your bass population off to a good start, but will not last more than a year or two...

There are few forage fish species that can handle LMB predation and still maintain a self reproducing population. Not including game fish species, mosquitofish or gambusia seem to be able to hold there own under just about any kind of predation level in almost all circumstances as long as they are not stocked in far north ponds. GSH under the right conditions can maintain a self reproducing population under bass predation, with vegetation cover and shallow areas to hide in. I have also had luck with banded killies. Both the killies and mosquitofish are not commonly available commercially but can be found... The GSH are sold just about everywhere.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/07/09 07:30 PM
Hi Hersh

I'm going thru the same dilemma here too on my pond. I've got 400 7" YP, 50 8" HSB, and 400 1-3" BG. I've stocked about 5,000 FHM which are basically free to me here prior to stocking my apex predators and have pulled off at least one successful spawn, but I'm not counting on the FH to establish a permanent population of forage, especially not when I stock 300 SMB this Fall. With guidance from the Forum I've decided to try and establish populations of forage in the form of GSH and Ghost Shrimp.

So, I don't think stocking FH is a futile effort, but I'd probably focus your capital and efforts more on established forage that might take hold, such as GSH. I like CJBS suggestion of Gambusia also - something I might look into for this year.
Posted By: Blaine Re: Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/07/09 09:38 PM
Stocking FHM 6 mos to a year before LMB gives the FHM a chance to reproduce in multitudes. Without predation they will literally develop into clouds of fish. This gives the LMB a great jump start while taking the pressure off of your young BG while they establish themselves. The FHM will not self sustain. They will be wiped out within two years after introducing the LMB.

Buy as many as you can afford, their reproduction rate and abundant snack value is well worth the investment. I stocked 30 lbs in my midwestern 2.5 acre pond along with BG & RES fingerlings then added 100 LMB one year later. I wish that I would have stocked more. After two years, my growth rates for the LMB, BG and RES have exploded!

The key is to stock FHM early well before LMB and get the advantage of their proliferation. Subsequent FHM stockings after LMB introduction is a waste of money. They will become expensive snacks and most likely won't last the day.
Posted By: hersh Re: Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/08/09 12:44 AM
Thanks all for the advice. Blaine, I think your comments solidified me buying some FHM. Even if they don't self sustain more than a couple years it's worth it if it increases initial growth rates.
Posted By: Blaine Re: Long term benefits of FHM? - 04/08/09 01:11 AM
Don't forget to stock the BG and RES at the same time the FHM go in. Take advantage of the of the first year with no apex predators in the pond. The opportunity only happens once if done right. Your decisions and restraint in first year are more important that just about anything else for the long term success of your fishery. Good luck and keep us updated. Don't forget to take pictures, then of course share them with us.
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