Pond Boss
Posted By: Joey KOI - What about Koi - 05/25/13 12:11 PM
Searched board but I never get results. What about Koi. think adding 4 or 5 to a 3/4 pond will hurt anything. There basically a carp, they will spawn but i got to think the LMB and Bluegill would have a field day on any that did hatch.
Posted By: Zep Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/25/13 12:34 PM
Some have stated that they may stir up the water and make it more cloudy. Also it's possible they could get very large...that may or may not be ok with you...see video below:

Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/25/13 01:01 PM
They are common carp. Just selectively bred for color and form. With a healthy bass population they should keep them from successfully reproducing. There is always a risk a handful will survive and issues could occur. Buy really brightly colored ones to reduce odds their offspring will have more cryptic coloration.
Posted By: Joey Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/25/13 01:08 PM
I kinda added a few in the winter. I see they do eat off the bottom, but i got a lot of alge and weeds and stuff so in a way they are doing good, and ya they seem to make a cloud wherever they are foraging. I can prob catch them if i needed to, they will eat a worm no problem. I wonder if they fight good..hehehe so far nothing got them, but in the early spring they get right up in real shallow water and bury in the weeds to get warm and something could get um pretty easy, i think they were lucky this year.
Posted By: esshup Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/25/13 01:29 PM

Be very, very careful. I'm still fighting with a pond that had goldfish added to it a number of years ago. The visibility is low, and the LMB cannot seem to control them even tho more LMB per acre than normally recommended were stocked. The goldfish seem to grow bigger than the LMB can eat very quickly, and I also stocked 5 tiger muskies in the pond. The muskies more than doubled in size in a year. The pond is less than an acre in size....... 2# to 4# LMB were stocked too...........
Posted By: John Wann Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/25/13 02:00 PM
I have 2 solid white koi and one black one in my pond. They eat the AM at feed time.
Posted By: 19dave68 Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/27/13 04:57 AM
I put a dozen in my 3/4 acre pond, and for sure 6 survived. I had bad algae problems, and this year it seems I have almost none, They grow big very quickly. The 9-10" Koi from 2 years ago are probably 18-24", and look 3-4#.
Posted By: John Monroe Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/27/13 07:53 AM
I put 20 in my 1-acre pond and had them for a dozen years until a winter fish kill. They grew to 20 to 24 inches and I never saw any offspring’s. My bass did a complete job of eating them. I had every one of them named like pets. I'm sure they stir up the water some but in my case how can you tell. Most ponds get healthy pea green bloom and visibility drop to a foot or two. With my 20 KOI and 6 Israeli carp I never had any algae problems.
Posted By: Joey Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/27/13 12:55 PM
Something happened that prob dont have anything to do with the Koi since they been in there for weeks and were not new fish they were in a pen in the pond so it shouldnt have been anything to do with them.

I had a fish kill the day I posted this thread, went to the pond and saw about 20 floating bluegill. The pond is very rich right now, alge and weeds and full of fish to the point i was thinking cull some. I been allowing a neibor to feed the fish which i think he was stuffing them and I was feeding them also, not sure how much combined but i am wondering if over feeding caused it? Pond is full of alge, the fish just spawned so are prob stressed, there is a areator but maybe it wasnt enough. I been watching very closely, stopped all feeding, counted about 20 floaters yesterday picking out the ones I can get to it does not seem to be any worse. Hopefully that was it. That was the worst fish kill I ever had.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/27/13 01:17 PM
20 fish isn't much of a fish kill when you think about the large numbers of BG your pond contains. With spawning stress, it is to be expected.
Posted By: Joey Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/27/13 01:39 PM
It isnt a lot but i never had one exept after a few days of heavy fishing, i see some so it wasnt expected. one thing I was thinking it might have been was, there is a lot of fish shallow on beds ect and it got very cold over night way into the high 30's and the pond cooled a lot in a very short time so i was thinking maybe this on top of stressed fish, or the overfeeding and at night the o2 level drop since there is a ton of alge and weeds. Hopefully its over.
Posted By: RER Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/28/13 02:46 PM
I have koi, lost some visibility, also lost all the FA,although they are spawning, I have never seen a survivor. I have a GAM over population that I attribute that too. Im glad I have them
Posted By: Zep Re: KOI - What about Koi - 05/28/13 03:03 PM
Originally Posted By: John Monroe
With my 6 Israeli carp

John what's the story on them?
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