Pond Boss
Posted By: Benny Where should I put my rocks? - 10/13/06 03:10 AM
Hello everyone! I have what should be a 4 acre pond in East Texas near Sulphur Springs. Its an old dairy place and I have broken up 50 year old slabs from the dairy into managable chunks of concrete.
I would like suggestions on where to place the concrete in my new pond!!!
Should I place them in 3' piles around the bottom or along the banks for spawning?
The dam is on the south end and is over 400' long. The west side near the dam is pretty steep. The east side is much more flat and gradually slopes to deeper water.
I have quite a bit of rock so I am thinking 3' piles plus along the eastern side. Anyone agree?
The pond is currently about 7' down and would like to do this in the next few weeks.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and I love reading all these posts...
Take care everyone!
Posted By: Russ Re: Where should I put my rocks? - 10/13/06 10:49 AM

To help address your question, look under the heading "Common Pond Q&A (archives)". Ewest has compiled a number of links pertaining to structure.

Something you might give some thought to is erosion control on your dam. If wind action forces water against any portion of your dam, placing some concrete rip rap in those areas will help mitigate erosion. Just a thought.
Posted By: Benny Re: Where should I put my rocks? - 11/12/06 08:43 PM

Thanks for the response! I think I have already looked in that area but certainly will again soon. Again great website/information... Take care!
Posted By: ewest Re: Where should I put my rocks? - 11/12/06 10:18 PM
Welcome to the PB forum Benny. First use as Russ suggested. Then piles about 3' high in water 6' deep. Make some weirs (small points) off the dam sticking out into the pond 2 to 3' deep or better in locations near deep water that are south facing. Either way they can absorb sun in winter and be a little warmer. A great place to seed a few craws. If the chunks are bigger than a softball then not a lot of help for spawning so use as rip-rap if not needed in the other ways. Also chunks are good for sinking other structure like xmas trees , pallets , tires or pvc structures.
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