Pond Boss
Posted By: BrianL Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/20/16 10:10 PM
I'm sure this has been discussed but I couldn't find anything in a search. I have 3 or 4 old artificial Christmas trees in the attic, shop, and garage. Any issue using them to make a brush pile that will never rot? These are the one that you put each branch in at a time. Any thoughts?
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/20/16 10:25 PM
Best way to place them is vertical / upright. See examples in the Common Pond Q&A in the Archives section main Forum page.
Posted By: Mdodson461 Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 03:23 AM
Hey Bill, most of those links in the first post of that thread will not open for me.
Posted By: BrianL Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 03:33 AM
I have seen all kinds of artificial cover on PB, just nothing out of artificial Christmas trees. They seem like they would be way more dense, last a very long time, and not degrade over time like real christmas trees. Just thought I might be missing something.
Posted By: TGW1 Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 01:26 PM
Brian, I built a crib using pvc, deer fencing (1" squares), and patio weaved plastic screen (3" triangular openings) to build the crib. I add a artificial Christmas tree inside the crib and sunk it all into the pond. Not sure how well the crib actually works but its still there in about 9 foot of water. Top of crib is about two and a half foot below surface.

Posted By: Flame Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 02:37 PM
Brian, I have several artificial trees in my 2 acre pond. I did place one in the deepest spot and wired it to a t-post standing straight up.This was done before the pond filled. There have been comments about the wire poking you if swimming. You can lay them near the shore where if and when they start to decompose you will be able to retrieve them. An idea I came up with you might like is this...Take a long piece of 4-6 inch pvc pipe.drill small holes on just the bottom and stagger the holes some.Take each individual limb,make a little L or Z bend in the end of the wire and "hang" in the hole. Do this all the way down the pipe to make a "hedge" of Christmas tree limbs. I drove t-posts in the bottom of the pond and wired each end of the pipe to them. This is in about 4 ft of water. The t-posts stick up out of the water well enough to be seen and stayed away from. I catch fish next to this all the time. Let me know what you think. Good luck.
Posted By: Zslow6 Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 03:57 PM
Originally Posted By: Mdodson461
Hey Bill, most of those links in the first post of that thread will not open for me.

I have the same issue. I feel bad asking questions about structure but most of these links wont open...did the website change after those were written?
Posted By: ewest Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 04:29 PM
Yes twice. I try to change some but there are thousands like that.
Posted By: BrianL Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 09:40 PM
Flame, A couple of my mine are old school trees that you had to put each limb on one at a time and they are already bent in a 90 at the end, so that would be easy to do with the PVC pipe...

Been looking at making a couple crib structures, so might be better to incorporate them into those instead of trying to make a tree type brush pile.

My pond is already full. In fact is was full after a couple weeks on the construction, so I didn't get much cover put in. I built a good bit of structure before the rain hit though.

Thanks for all the info.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Artificial Christmas Trees - 01/21/16 09:59 PM
BrianL - try assembling the trees and imbed them in some sort of thin cement wide diameter base so they stand upright. One embedded at an angle in each side of a cement block would be one option. Provide us some pictures for the Archives what ever you decide to do, so others can benefit from your creativity.
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