Pond Boss
I should have taken pictures before the start of the project but I didn't. Got an area cleared out for goose hunting down by the pond. In the spring I'll do some digging to deepen the pond directly adjacent to this piece. I'll also plant it in some clover. The brush pile is about 50'x75' and should burn nicely, I'll be lighting that up here sometime. I did get a picture of a decent size group of mallards I jumped one of the days going over there to work. Thanks.


Looks great! I love clearing trees!
It does look great. I can totally understand the satisfaction you are probably feeling right now. Love getting in and getting it done.
Many, many years ago as a young man I had a contractor do some dozer work for me. I got out there with my tractor doing some odds and ends. Thinking he might be a little miffed that I thought he was not doing a good job or something (he was doing a fine job) I half way apologized for altering his work.

He said no problem and that by doing some of it myself I was taking ownership of the job. He said everyone needs to feel involved and part of the project and my participation was part of that process.

I have remembered that quote from the contractor (who was actually younger than me, we were both just pups) all these years. There is just something about getting your hands dirty that makes the project "personal". Even when a person can afford to have everything done for them, doing a bit (or a lot) of the project with ones own hands brings "ownership" to the project.
You nailed it, Snrub
bryan, looks great! the glimpse of your pond also looks great too! Most of us care a lot about the FISH in our ponds but you seem to focus more on the birds around the pond?

Keep the photos coming. By us we are past the legal window for burning brush but hopefully you aren't tied down like that.
Bryan, very nice work. John's (snrub) correct, being vested in a project really changes the dynamics of the whole deal.
What are the white pipes for, you have stuck in the ground?
They look like tree tubes?
Bill D/nehunter- Correct those are tree tubes, those pictured contain either white pine, an oak variety, or chestnuts. I really like the tubes to get the trees off to a good start.

Canyoncreek- At this point I do manage more for waterfowl and I plan on it staying that way. The pond is typically 6'-8' deep and doesn't have fish that I've noticed. I plan to dig some deeper holes(one adjacent to the goose hunting area) that can and will support fish but it's a side benefit at this point. The smallmouth specific 1.5 acre pond I'm planning will be my first attempt at the fish and management thing. Someday I might look to buy a dredge outfit to dredge part of the big pond but that job is a long ways down the list. There are some type of limits to burning brush? I have never heard of such a thing. They might restrict it here if it’s really dry but that would be about it. How do people burn their trash or would that be different? Weird, anyways this will get burned the first opportunity I get.

I would rather do work myself than a contractor, that way I can be the only person to blame if something doesn't turn out as I want. Plus I enjoy the habitat work just as much if not more than hunting and fishing. Bought a deer license again this year and never even walked out back to hunt due to the nice weather and trying to get the clearing job done. Thanks.

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