Pond Boss
Posted By: Kiko 'chute 'em - 05/20/12 05:11 PM
First Spring season on the pond. Do I shoot the turtles already the size of a dinner plate with my new .270 (itching to shoot it) or do they add value? Otherwise I'm assuming their they're eating my fish.
Posted By: gallop Re: 'chute 'em - 05/20/12 06:29 PM
I would leave them alone
Even the most agressive types of turtles will have little effect on your fish population
IMO they add another element to the beauty of the pond
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: 'chute 'em - 05/20/12 06:29 PM
Won't hurt your fish at all from my experience. Never had a problem with turtles in my pond. Even with my fish cages that they could chew through if they wanted to, I've never had them do it.

Like Bob Lusk says,"Any fish that gets eaten by a turtle deserves it."

In otherwards a fish has to be pretty slow or pretty stupid to be eaten by a turtle.
Posted By: Bocomo Re: 'chute 'em - 05/20/12 06:55 PM
We have several huge alligator snapping turtles. We use them to control the waterfowl population...


(not my video, but you get the idea)
Posted By: Sniper Re: 'chute 'em - 05/20/12 09:58 PM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Won't hurt your fish at all from my experience. Never had a problem with turtles in my pond. Even with my fish cages that they could chew through if they wanted to, I've never had them do it.

Like Bob Lusk says,"Any fish that gets eaten by a turtle deserves it."

In otherwards as fish has to be pretty slow or pretty stupid to be eaten by a turtle.

Right on, Cecil.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: 'chute 'em - 05/21/12 01:48 AM
I consider them the buzzards (clean up crew) of the pond. I seldom mess with them.
Of course, when it gets to the point where they actually are a problem, I eliminate some.
Posted By: catmandoo Re: 'chute 'em - 05/21/12 02:24 AM
If they are vicious, don't store them alive, for later cleaning -- in the outhouse of an unsuspecting friend who might have an early morning upset tummy!

Snapper in Sunil's Outhouse

Unless you are over run with them, or they are causing some kind of serious damage, I'd leave them be. As Dave D., says, they will help keep the pond clean. I've never heard of one attacking a person, unless seriously provoked. They generally only eat dead, or seriously injured/ill fish.

I like having a few in my pond.

If you must take a big snapper out, just remember, they are great eating. But, it is best to take them alive, and let them cleanse their stomachs and intestines in a tub of water for several days before butchering them.

Posted By: Schmidts_Pond Re: 'chute 'em - 05/21/12 02:38 AM
Just took out a snapper. They have cut and ruined my fish baskets. Got in one and killed 33 fish in one night This one came up right next to my new fish basket and was snipping it when I was less than 3 feet away. I didn't hesitate, .22 to the head. I'm sure every situation is different.
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: 'chute 'em - 05/21/12 04:45 AM
I made the stupid mistake of shooting s bunch of huge snappers when I first moved to my pond.. After a little enlightening I relized these turtles could be as old as me and really are only beneficial to a pond.. Just think next time you kill a snapper the size of a 5 gallon bucket that it could be over 20 yrs old, and has prolly never ate a live fish over 5"..
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: 'chute 'em - 05/21/12 09:20 AM
I once read an interesting article about turtle longivity. It seems that researchers have shown very little interest in studying something that can outlive them. It said that a huge snapper could easily be over 50 years old.
Posted By: Schmidts_Pond Re: 'chute 'em - 05/21/12 01:40 PM
I usually don't mind turtles, I also have painted & red ears in my pond as well, I leave them alone as they don't cause any problems. But the big alligator snapper was causing me too much of a headache.
Posted By: sleepyweasel Re: 'chute 'em - 05/30/12 01:48 PM
You shouldn't shoot turtles and especially snappers. One of any size is old and they aren't hurting anything.
I use to trap them and eat them but now I'll stop and move a turtle off the road if I see one.
Look for a woodchuck to try the .270 out on. You will likely be impressed with the results.
Good luck,
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