Pond Boss
Posted By: Pinetar Dam Finished, Pond Full, Planting to Begin - 01/22/13 01:57 AM
Dam is finished,Pond is full, Water running out overflow pipe!!! Just waiting for a few days of dry weather in a row so we can finish up dressing up the pond and get trees and grass planted. Have about 600 pounds of rye, 1200 pine seedlings and 250 saw tooth oaks ready to plant!!!

Here are some pics of the pond full pool!! Water is obviously a little muddy but it will clear up and hopefully we will have some seed an straw on all the raw earth areas before the next rain!!

My pond is finally full too. I don't know what part of Alabama you are in but last week I think we got enough rain to fill up a 100 acre pond in North Alabama. I think we went a total of 8 days in a row that it rained. Your pond looks great.
Originally Posted By: Fastpitch
My pond is finally full too. I don't know what part of Alabama you are in but last week I think we got enough rain to fill up a 100 acre pond in North Alabama. I think we went a total of 8 days in a row that it rained. Your pond looks great.

FP - Im in Cullman... where are you located? I know it was like rain rain rain rain, then snow snow snow then rain...
You guys are blessed. I'm still 55"+ inches low and we are WAY behind in snowfall.

Beautiful looking pond Pinetar!
I am located just north of you in Danville.
Pond looks great. I keep hoping that we get that kind of rain soon. It will probably happen we start construction on our house lol.
Very nice!
that pond is huge what kind of equiptment did you use and how long did it take. on a strip mine just halph a mile away from our house i watched them build a pond about that same size with 3 D11 dozers and it only took them 1 day. amazing what that huge equiptment can do. the price tag on them things is also something else.
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