Pond Boss
Posted By: jignpig the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/03/10 09:14 PM
most of us are able to fish for one simple reason. at some point in our lives, someone cared enough to invest their time and effort to share this great sport with us. such was the case with my dad as i grew up on the banks of tims ford lake. it would have been so easy for him to say "no" or "some other time" as i tugged on his pants leg and begged him to take me. heaven knows i was "high maintenance" to say the least. can't even begin to tell of all the broken equipment, lost lures, and spooked fish he suffered because of me. but he took me anyway. and he taught me with patience and kindness. i will never forget that. i learned because he cared enough to teach. now, i return the favor when i get a chance. spent a day with dad on beautiful kentucky lake yesterday. banner day is an understatement. over 40 fish. more 2 and 3 pounders than i could shake a stick at. a 6 pounder. 2 more over 5. a couple of 4's. and the icing on the cake was that the vast majority of the fish came on topwater. but the best part of it all was that i was able to share this fine day of fishin' with my dad. can't tell ya how proud i was when i talked to him today and he said it was one of the best trips he could remember. that's exactly how i felt each time i stumbled along the edge of the lake behind him as a kid. here's dad with his skitter pop 5-12. hope y'all are catchin' some too.

Attached picture 100_0385.JPG
Posted By: Brettski Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/03/10 09:33 PM
full circle; good story JNP
Posted By: Clayton Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/03/10 10:49 PM
Originally Posted By: jignpig
most of us are able to fish for one simple reason. at some point in our lives, someone cared enough to invest their time and effort to share this great sport with us.

So true. I often wonder if I show my dad enough how much I love him. He's shown me a lot of awesome stuff over the years, fishing being one of the best things.

Thanks for sharing your photo and story!
ya guy that have your Dad you need to take time. cause he did. Miss mine all the time. Making it up with my grankids. Thank for the story.
Posted By: Omaha Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/03/10 11:55 PM
Incredibly well said jignpig.
Posted By: ewest Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/04/10 12:27 AM
Life well lived.
Posted By: esshup Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/04/10 01:58 AM
Thanks for sharing. It rings true.
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/04/10 02:24 AM
Love it! Thanks for sharing.
Posted By: Sunil Re: the apple don't fall far from the tree - 11/04/10 12:13 PM
Here's the picture jignpig has:

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