Pond Boss
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 01:11 PM
2 ft of snow expected in some places. You guys in the effected area, please be careful.
Posted By: catmandoo Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 01:33 PM
My in-laws in Connecticut are expecting 18-24 inches of snow.

Thankfully it missed us completely. We were supposed to have overnight ice pellets and freezing rain from the portion of moisture heading north to collide with the storm coming from the west. But, nothing even showing near us on the radar.

The ponds are still frozen and snow covered here.
Posted By: the stick Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 04:09 PM
It would be interesting to hear from those of you in it's path.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 04:14 PM
Lucky dogs! I used to live in Mass as a kid and remember well those nor'easters that would pick up moisture from the ocean and dump a couple of feet of snow. Made winter more interesting! Of course I was too young to drive or have a job. LOL
Posted By: esshup Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 04:47 PM
I saw a forcast earlier in the week where they were predicting 80+ inches of snow in a small area. YIKES!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 05:10 PM
Now that would be COOL!
Posted By: Sunil Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 07:37 PM
We think it's going to miss Pittsburgh. Just rain here right now. We may get an inch or two Friday night into Saturday.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 07:56 PM
80" snow? I don't even know what one would do to get out of the house. I can't envision that...although I know it's fairly common in the Rockies. Crazy. Be safe, everyone!
Posted By: small pond Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 09:10 PM
80 in of snow only sounds fun until you have to shovel it. good thing were only geting rain and some snow like sunil said
Posted By: Omaha Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 09:39 PM
Where would you even begin to shovel 80" of snow? Step out of an upstairs window and work your way down?
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 09:52 PM
just rain so far here in south jersey,although it is far from welcome.I have people who have yet to see a adjuster for damage from sandy,plenty of folks with tarp roofs and prior damage around here.This is just going to add more to the mess.......................I know politics are taboo here but there are a lot of people still suffering from sandy and the lack of action by our government frown It's been months and I still get people in tears on the phone daily,I just wish the powers that be would forget about their latest crusade on our freedoms and for once actually fix something that truly needs being fixed
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 09:57 PM
Amen Robert!
Posted By: JKB Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 10:32 PM
Originally Posted By: Omaha
Where would you even begin to shovel 80" of snow? Step out of an upstairs window and work your way down?

Been there, done that!

We use to get some really good snow storms when I was a kid. Not so much as an across the board level of 80", but drifting use to be really bad. I've crawled out of windows to dig out because our storm doors opened to the outside. One particular event, I went out my 2nd story bedroom window onto the porch roof, jumped the couple feet to the snow and worked my way to clear the doorway. It was like a maze when we were done, and I could not see over the top. Path to the wood pile, path to the pole barn, path to the south door... I don't have that much energy anymore!

We had our snowstorm yesterday, and it's been sunny all day today. Gonna rain tomorrow.

Based on a few things I have heard, we won't be in a drought condition this year.
Posted By: catmandoo Re: BIG storm coming - 02/08/13 11:25 PM
Originally Posted By: JKB
Been there, done that!

As a kid growing up in the 1950s and early 1960s on the south shore of Lake Superior, there were a number of times we had drifts over the top of our house and over the top of our family business.

As kids, it was a lot of fun. No school. Great tobogganing. Great sledding.

I'm not sure the dog thought it was so great, since we couldn't open any doors. The cats were OK since they had a box in the basement filled with "klinkers" and ash from the coal furnace.

As kids, the worst part was trying to clear the neighborhood skating rinks so we could play a little hockey.

Bring it on! I've got three snow plows, including a V-plow on an ancient dump truck that starts under the worst of conditions. Besides the other snow plows, I've got a reasonably big snow thrower, and two 4-WD vehicles!

Plus, spring must be on its way! I've got several hundred plants ready for the greenhouses/hoop houses -- and they look pretty tough.

Let is snow!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/10/13 04:13 PM
40 inches of snowfall in Connecticut with cat 1 hurricane force winds! Damn I know that would make my log home creek and groan! The roof would have been fine with the steep slope but the deck might start to groan!

Can anybody post any pictures?

Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: BIG storm coming - 02/10/13 06:37 PM
cecil CT where my sister is just shut down.They plow one street and it just blocks the others.I know the hotel I used to work at is open but that is only because they gave rooms to employees.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/10/13 09:43 PM
Is everyone ok? No one is checking in...hmmmm - maybe lack of photos is due to internet being down everywhere up there? Did Cat/Todd get anything in WV? Where is Travis?
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: BIG storm coming - 02/10/13 11:34 PM

here is one from my sisters condo in CT I'll try and dig a few more up later
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: BIG storm coming - 02/10/13 11:47 PM

My friends car is in there somewhere

this is from a friend who's street as of tonight has yet to be plowed
Posted By: FireIsHot Re: BIG storm coming - 02/11/13 12:00 AM
Wow! Saw an article on TV last week about people still living in tents after Sandy. Bad stuff. Hope it clears up quick for you guys and for your family and friends.
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: BIG storm coming - 02/11/13 12:39 AM
Holy crappie..
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: BIG storm coming - 02/11/13 12:59 AM
The pics are from Waterbury CT,luckily they didnt have too many problems from sandy there.She used to live in MI not far from JKB and has never scene snow like this before.

We got hit with massive rains and more flooding here in South Jersey but you tend to get used to these Noreasters.We had winds in cat 1 hurricane territory for a while.
Posted By: small pond Re: BIG storm coming - 02/11/13 01:24 AM
wow thats alot of snow glad i dont have to shovel that stuff stay warm.
Posted By: JKB Re: BIG storm coming - 02/11/13 02:37 AM
Thats more snow than I ever want to see!
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: BIG storm coming - 02/11/13 03:55 AM
Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
Is everyone ok? No one is checking in...hmmmm - maybe lack of photos is due to internet being down everywhere up there? Did Cat/Todd get anything in WV? Where is Travis?

We got nothin'. In fact, it was 52 degrees today and supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Some rain tonight. I think we did get an extremely light dusting Thursday night, but that melted off pretty quickly on Friday.

I talked to some friends up in Mass and they got hammered pretty good - 30 - 40 inches and strong winds. Luckily for them, it sounds like only limited power outages in their areas.
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