Pond Boss
Posted By: esshup Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/09/10 07:10 PM

Posted By: Omaha Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/09/10 07:16 PM
That is a darn cute pup Scott. I think Omaha would make a good name. laugh
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/09/10 09:47 PM
Too many syllables. wink I'm trying to come up with a name that is easy to say loudly and is one syllable (I'll consider two syllable names as well, but one is my preference)

Try saying Kate loud, then Babe. If you were far away, you would hear all of Kate, but you'd lose the "B" in Babe and end up hearing "abe".

Reason for that is their name is the signal that they should retrieve the bird. Some retrieves are started from a ways away, and they might be upwind from you where the sound doesn't carry too well. I dunno if I'll trial her or not, but in trials two dogs are run side by side, and if both dogs go after the bird when the first dog is sent on the retrieve, the 2nd dog is out of the trial right there and then. Both dogs are supposed to sit at the gunshot or at the handlers whistle to "hup" or sit.
Posted By: heybud Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/09/10 10:59 PM
Sue is a good short name
Posted By: the stick Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/09/10 11:49 PM
She looks like a "Lucy" to me.
Posted By: Cisco Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 12:02 AM
I always heard that you want the name to be 2 syllables and the commands to be just 1. She looks like a Miss Kitty to me or maybe Cisco. Good looking pooch at any rate.
Posted By: catmandoo Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 01:28 AM
I recently got my wife's elderly aunt a rescue dog (against a lot of family advice). He was severely abused, having no fur or skin on his back when rescued from four years of being chained outside. Over about two months, the rescuers did an incredible job with this little guy. He is half-pug and half-Pekingese. They convinced him to think of himself as seriously regal -- he prances rather than running. He has made it know to all that he is very self-important. When he greets a visitor, he puffs out his chest, waiting for recognition. He looks kind of like Yoda. The silly little dog is all black, with some gray on his chin. My wife decided he looks like a piece of recently lit charcoal.

We decided to evaluate names from friends and relatives over seven days before giving him a new name.

My wife's suggestion was adopted. He now has the regal name of "Kingsford." Most of our pets have had some very unusual names. As far back as I can remember, all have had a one or two syllable names that stuck.

Anyway, if your little friend was at our house, we'd probably wait until at least next Friday or Saturday to decide on a final name for that wonderful little critter. She really won the affection of everyone at our house, maybe even our cat. She is far too precious to have an ordinary name.

Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 04:46 AM
Thanks guys. I'm not rushing into things by any means! She can have a very unordinary long registered name, but she needs a good "call" name. "Cal" was California Dreamin'.

Cisco, most of the commands will be made with a Spaniel whistle

The only voice commands in the field would be the dog's name to tell it to retrieve the bird, hup, here, over, and back. The last 3 are also used in conjunction with hand signals.

If the dog is trained well, you will only hear an occasional beep on the whistle (if at all) and the dog's name called for the retrieve. Not having to give any commands usually means that the dog is really, really trained, or the trainer doesn't have a clue as to what's going on and is hoping that the dog will carry the day. grin

Out of the field, the sky is the limit. A short list of the words that my dogs knew is: inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, bone, ball, toy, kennel, hurry up (potty on command), O.K., leave it, no bird, give, here, hup, heel, lay down, put your head down, and of course NO. Cal would only retrieve if his name was called. He wouldn't go if someone (even me) yelled "Carl", "Cat", or any other name except his. "Carlos" would cause him to take a step or 2 but he'd stop as soon as he heard the 2nd syllable. (Then he'd look at me as if to say "Why the .ell did you do that?") grin

One beep on the whistle was hup, two beeps means turn the other way, 3 beeps means "here", 5 beeps means "quit what you're doing right now and get your .ss over here RIGHT NOW!"

She's already starting to learn that the hand with the palm facing her and down at my right side means "here".

It'd be a whole lot easier with a trained dog listening to the commands so she'd see what that "noise" meant. I've been told "your dogs mind you better than my kids mind me." wink
Posted By: hang_loose Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 05:10 AM
Looks like an "Oreo with milk" to me. Call her treat whistle
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 11:49 AM
That's thinking out of the box! grin
Posted By: FCM67693 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 06:11 PM

I miss her already! Bring her back cry
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 06:18 PM
Originally Posted By: Omaha
That is a darn cute pup Scott.

You got the right Omaha. Wow she's a darling!
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/10/10 11:32 PM
Scott, sorry I wasn't around when you came through to pick her up. She looks like a little cutie pie! I hope she turns out to be a great hunter for you. How about the Name Dolly? If you wanna stick with a one syllable name, go with Doll?
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 02:07 AM
Originally Posted By: the stick
She looks like a "Lucy" to me.

Exactly what my 8 year old daughter said as she was being crawled all over by this adorable little pup last Saturday!

That's 2 for Lucy!
Posted By: tyler0421 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 02:46 AM
Beautiful Dog!!!! Is that a Brittany?
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 03:40 AM
How about Missy? Yeah I know it's not one syllable but hey... grin
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 06:01 AM
Originally Posted By: tyler0421
Beautiful Dog!!!! Is that a Brittany?

English Springer Spaniel - from the field side of the family tree. There's a lot of FC/AFC/NFC/MH in the pedigree. She's related to Reba going back a few generations. In the pedigree there is Sunrise Zoomer, Badgercourt Druid, Sunrise Zinger, Pondviews Windy Acres Yankee.

Mikey, wait 'till I bring her over when Sid and Mom is there - then tell them there are still 2 not spoken for..... grin
Posted By: tyler0421 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 02:32 PM
Still two left? You have any contact information? I am looking into getting another bird dog. I had a brittany for a while. Unfortunatly he was taken from us when he got out and ran across a busy intersection. He was a very good bird dog and quick learner!
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 05:45 PM
Julie Hogan is the breeder.

Tell her how you found out about her. My name is Scott, and they named the pup Cherry.

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/11/10 05:56 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
She's related to Reba going back a few generations.

I dont' believe you. She doesn't look anything like Reba MacEntire. Much cuter. grin
Posted By: Joshua Flowers Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 01:10 AM
Great looking pup.
Posted By: FRIZ Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 02:46 AM
Hey this is Friz's daughter here!
So esshup and the un-named puppy came over yesterday. She's "cute as a button," as dad said. I think she's absolutly adorable, and suggested the name Carnival or Carnival Spirit, with the nickname Car. She's also very lively, but not misbehaved. She comes when you whistle, and stayed near us while we were touring our ponds. She's also curious, and likes to stick her nose into everything (including our pond) and chased, attacked, and sucessfully destroying/razed/shredded/annihlated a little tree brunch. As we were walking by the pond, we suddenly heard high-pitched yipping, like a child crying, and turned to find the poor puppy at the bottom of a hole. It wasn't deep to us, but it was over her head. We rescude her and found that while she was favoring one leg, she didn't seem to have broken anything. She was carried the rest of the way, but before she left we tested her out again and she was walking fine, though she still ran with a slight limp. We were happy to learn today that the vet said she was fine.
We inspected the progress of our new pond, and it's coming along nicely. We also visited the fish in our other pond and saw many small fish that appear to be baby minnows and/or misquito fish. We did not see any redears or golden shiners. Dad's very worried about them. I told him they're just at the bottom and center of the pond were we can't see them, like they're supposed to be.
Good Night!
-Friz's daughter
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 02:50 AM
Tell dad not to worry. The larger fish are probably in deeper water due to the heat just as you suspect. Redears are bottom oriented anyway.
Posted By: FRIZ Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 03:09 AM
Hi Cecil
Thank you for the YP info, it's already on it's way back to you.
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 03:11 AM
Yep, the mosquito fish are better at breeding than rabbits when there are no predators in the pond!

No worse for the wear for sure. She followed me around my pond today, and even into the water when I waded out. She swam for about 5' in distance. She likes AquaMax fish food too.....
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 07:27 AM
She sounds like a piece of work Scott! Already swimming! I love it...
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 12:43 PM
I don't want to force her to do anything that she doesn't want to, but at this stage of her life I have to expose her to as many different things as I can - it'll pay off big time later!
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 01:16 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
She likes AquaMax fish food too.....


Better keep a close eye on her to ensure her relative weight doesn't get out of hand!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 04:22 PM
Originally Posted By: FRIZ
Hi Cecil
Thank you for the YP info, it's already on it's way back to you.

No problem Friz. I got it back several days ago. Typische Deutsche efficiency! grin
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/12/10 04:25 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
I don't want to force her to do anything that she doesn't want to, but at this stage of her life I have to expose her to as many different things as I can - it'll pay off big time later!

One of my taxidermy customers were telling me about how their new Rottweiler compared to their previous one. They said there was no comparison as they had exposed the previous one to lots of life experiences, and they believed that made the difference. I believe they got the previous one as a puppy but not the present one.
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 01:19 AM
Anyone that is thinking of buying a puppy, I highly recommend this book:
How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With by Clarice Rutherford and David H. Neil

It has in it week to week changes in you puppy, (neurological) and why you should do this and that with your puppy. It explains why you should do certain things with your puppy in certain weeks of it's life, and how those things will affect it for the rest of it's life (how fast it learns, how it deals with new alien things, etc.) My breeder gives it to the people who are getting a pup (ahead of time) to help them be the best dog parents that they can be.

I'm seeing some things that they talk about in the book in just 5 days. I'm trying to show her new sights and sounds on a daily basis, not pushing, just exposing her to them.

She was very hesitant about going down the 5 steps from the back porch to the ground. I placed her front feet on the first step down, when she got all 4's on that step, I placed her feet on the 2nd step, etc., etc. An hour later we went out the same door and she ran down those same steps.

They even say to rotate toys, not having the same toys for the pup to play with for more than a couple of days. They say that toys don't have to be "toys". Empty cardboard boxes of various sizes, some with one end closed, some like a tunnel. A sock with a knot in it. A brown grocery bag, etc., etc.

She played with a few new toys today for the past 40 minutes and now she's

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 01:45 AM

She's adorable! cry

Is it just me but does anyone else think she looks like a little black beer cub from that angle, but of course not all black?

Never had a puppy myself. My parents and I always rescued older dogs. I can see what I'm missing though!
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 02:15 AM
Cecil, the last pic wasn't her, it was one that I pulled off of the 'net. wink

I do have pics of her from when she was a few days old, but she's in with all the rest of the pups.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 02:29 AM
Originally Posted By: esshup
Cecil, the last pic wasn't her, it was one that I pulled off of the 'net. wink

Oh. You sure had the wife and I going! blush blush blush
Posted By: LCG Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 03:08 AM
Originally Posted By: esshup

She's adorable.
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 03:06 PM
She was running around the house like a crazy pup last night, and when she finally slowed down I picked her up when I was on the couch. She crawled off my lap and passed out, rolling into the slot between the cushions. She was doing her darndest to imitate that internet pose, so I slowly got up and was able to get the camera and take a few pictures without her waking up:

I couldn't get the same camera angle so this will have to do. grin
Posted By: Sunil Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 03:31 PM
She looks like a chicken.
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/13/10 03:42 PM

Yeah, but the drumsticks are pretty tiny!
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/25/10 05:55 AM
Well, I decided to name her Kate as in Katy bar the door. She sure sits funny.

I've been walking in mid calf to knee deep water in the pond, and letting her walk in as deep as she wants (or doesn't). When I run the trot line, I leave her on shore and go out in the boat. Today I'm in the middle of the pond, and I hear a splash by shore. I turn around and see her about half way from shore swimming to the boat. I wish I had a camera, all I could see was a nose, 2 eyes, a bit of the top of her head and both her ears sticking out to the sides like outriggers. She swam the 100 or so feet pretty quickly, and I hoisted her up in to the boat by the scruff of the neck. She shook off the water and acted as if she did this every day.

She's a water dog now! grin

She helped (or hindered) taking 2 CC off of the trotline, and acted as if she has been in the boat numerous times. I've only had her in it once before.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/25/10 10:07 AM
What a great story Scott! I bet you were one proud papa! She is definitely a little doll... I hope I can hunt over her one day.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/25/10 11:57 AM
I like the name Scot and love that pink collar! She's adorable for sure!
Posted By: Omaha Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/25/10 12:26 PM
That is just darn cute.
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/25/10 01:03 PM
Thanks guys. I just found out this morning that her Aunt, who is a retrieving fool, will be filmed today in a Celebrex commercial in NC.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 08/26/10 01:15 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
Thanks guys. I just found out this morning that her Aunt, who is a retrieving fool, will be filmed today in a Celebrex commercial in NC.


For a minute there I thought Celebrex was one of those male enhancement products that are advertised 24/7 on the cable stations. I have the TV on in the shop while I work and I have to tell you I am soooooo sick of those sleazy commercials! The pharmaceutical companies have no shame. There have to be a half a dozen of those products now!

Posted By: Todd3138 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/02/10 11:39 PM
Awesome, Scott! She's grown since you had her here. I'll have to show the kids her pic later - they still want one!
Posted By: Rainman Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/02/10 11:52 PM
I can't wait to meet Kate!
Posted By: catmandoo Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 01:12 AM
Whatever the name . . .

That is one lovable puppy!

P.S. And I've got the one jealous advantage over many of the other Pond Boss members -- I got to meet her in person. I'd adopt that dog in a microsecond.
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 01:25 AM
I'll have to take a pic this weekend and get it up here. She's grown a bit!

Now, instead of running around on shore when I push the boat out, before I get my 2nd foot in the boat she's in. She likes boat and car rides.

I had her in the car when I brought the tractor down to sprkplug and back. All I had to do is let her out at his place to pee and back in the kennel she went for the return trip.

She'll be 12 weeks old on Sat. She is learning not to pull on the leash, and after leaving her in the outdoor kennel while I baited the trotline this evening, I think she will soon learn what a bark collar is.
Posted By: ewest Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 02:12 AM
This one loves to ride in the boat and jump out and chase lures. If you leave him on shore he will swim after the boat for an hour.

Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 04:29 AM

That's my concern. I don't want her chasing the lure or even the fish if they are hooked. Cal, who died in July had a #8 jighead thru his upper lip when he was about a year old. Luckily he was pretty mild tempered and I was able to cut it off at the barb, get it back out AND keep all my fingers.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 05:14 AM
Shanny bit a Rapala plug this summer and got double trebles in her mouth... My dad and I both have scars from fighting with her to get the darn thing out. She's still dumb enough to bite at lures. So, when she's on my boat she now has a muzzle on when the fishing lures come out!
Posted By: esshup Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 11:59 AM
Ouch! Now that must have been fun.
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: Little Miss No Name (yet) - 09/03/10 11:36 PM
Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
Shanny bit a Rapala plug this summer and got double trebles in her mouth... My dad and I both have scars from fighting with her to get the darn thing out. She's still dumb enough to bite at lures. So, when she's on my boat she now has a muzzle on when the fishing lures come out!

Man, I love Labs! I can totally see that one happening!
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