Pond Boss
Posted By: esshup Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 03:09 PM
This showed up on the shed about a month ago. It was 1" wide by 3" long incl. the tube, but now it's grown to 3" long by 5" tall.

I've never seen one look like this.
Posted By: jakeb Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 03:33 PM
Wow I dont know, but its amazing that creatures can build. I googled it trying to find something, but seems they make nests of all shapes and sizes. I would look into it and make sure they are not overly harmful, and need to be taken care of.
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 04:03 PM
I think they are Mexican Mariachi wasps - note the distinctive maraca shape, giving hint to their musical nature. grin
Posted By: RAH Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 06:43 PM
bald faced hornet. Take care of it now or keep clear as it grows along with the colony. It will empty out in winter and not be used again.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 06:51 PM
I agree, that is a bald face hornet's nest. That little tube at the bottom is sort of the core and they will continue to expand on it. They are not nearly the bother as are yellow jackets. Unlike yellow jackets, they actually feed mostly on other insects. Flying ones mostly... If it's in an area where you won't disturb it and get stung, leave it alone, they'll keep the flying insect problem down. If it's where you'll be walking by it a bunch, then I'd remove it.
Posted By: esshup Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 06:52 PM
RAH, I had a feeling you would be the first one to get it right. wink I saw them going in and out of it last night.

Now, what would tear apart the nests right after first frost, or the first few high 30°F nights? In the past 3 or 4 years I've had them low to the ground, at the tip of flimsy branches in an Ash tree, and towards the outside of 40' tall Arborvitae Trees, and all have had their bottoms ripped out. I want to keep one for a decoration, and something keeps ripping them apart on me. There are still Hornets in them, last year they tried to repair the nest but it got hit again a week later in the next cold snap.

So far, during the past years they have been docile. I've even bumped the branches that one nest was on 2x with the ROPS of the tractor and noticed the nest on the 3rd pass. I didn't want to take a chance the 3rd time. I've never got nailed by one, and don't want to start.

In 2006, they built a nest right near the ground by the pond in some tall grass. I durn 'near stepped on it. I noticed a Hornet flying towards me, then doing a detour around me a few times. I turned around to see where it was going and it dropped down towards the ground not 3' behind me. I didn't waste any time getting out of there.


Yeah, I need to knock it down. Hopefully the queen will relocate to a more out of the way area. It's within 10' of the back door of the house. I don't want to kill them, just get them to relocate.
Posted By: RAH Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 08:25 PM
Not sure what's tearing the bottom out of the nest, but at night, the wasps can't navigate, so maybe something is trying to eat the larvae?
Posted By: JKB Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/21/10 10:28 PM
Skunks like to nibble on them, as I have been told.

This year is strange.

Last year we had an over abundance of wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. This year, nary a one, so far. I am sure it will pick up as the summer progresses.

This year we have quite a population of Bumble Bees. Everywhere you go, there is a Bumble Bee doing it's thing. I've relocated 3 queens (hopefully) as they have chosen some prime real estate that is frequented by young children. I like Bumble Bees smile I can be out in the garden doing my thing, and work right along side of a Bumble Bee doing its own thing. Talk about a symbiotic relationship!

The other strange thing, is we have NO mosquitoes! If I counted a dozen or so this year, I would be told to get new glasses. No one I know of around here has been bitten by a mosquito this year, as we were discussing this welcomed phenomenon yesterday while honoring Dad.

I am seeing an increase in Bat activity. I was up at about 2 am when Luna tangled with a critter just outside the camper. I think it may have been a raccoon, not sure. It was an all tooth and power/protection deal. But, I have never heard this level of whoop butt. She came out of the woods, simply smiling and sat down next to me with the biggest grin on her face.

Back to Bats: They are kinda like all over here right now, so they are eating all the bugs. If you shine a spotlight up, one may get an uncomfortable feeling. Don't worry, they like bugs more than your Jugular Vein!

Plus, for the first time in years, I am actually seeing some Rabbits, and then we have Owl's all over.

What type of Owl would be talking to it's neighbors during the day? Maybe 60-80 feet up in a tree?

I think my screwed-up plans may just be creating habitat. And, I like that!

Most things are truly discovered by mistake, and opened eyes, not by the brilliance or superior intellect of the human mind.
Posted By: GSB Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/22/10 01:21 AM
Might be a Barred Owl. Distinctive sound... " Who, who cooks for you".
Posted By: esshup Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/22/10 01:53 AM
JKB, now many mosquitoes do you want? I'd be more than happy to ship a bunch to you, postage paid!

If the nests were close to the ground, then I'd agree with the skunk. But, one was about 8' up in the air, out towards the end of branches that were getting down to 3/4" or 1/2" thick.

I've heard Barred Owls in the daytime this year as well.
Posted By: Brettski Re: Who knows what type of Wasp built this? - 06/22/10 02:39 AM
agreed with GSB; hoot owl
they can whoop it up almost any time of day
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