Pond Boss
Posted By: KyCatfisher Box of Quackers! - 06/17/08 03:33 PM
Are there any ill effects about having ducks on your pond? Don't know anything about them, just thought I might get some info. Will they stay all year?
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/17/08 03:40 PM
It depends on 1) what they eat (obviously fish eaters like mergansers have an affect) and 2) how many there are.

Ducks do introduce fecal matter and hence organic material into a pond, although much less than an equal number of geese do. If you have too fertile water, they could push you over to having a classic Summer fishkill. But 1-2 pairs of (non-fish eating) ducks per acre of water have usually been judged acceptable and not a problem.

I am always happy to see a few mallards on and around my ponds.
Posted By: Shorty Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/17/08 03:58 PM
Theo, I have seen hen mallards eat small BG that we were stocking.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/17/08 05:42 PM
Fair enough, Shorty. You Nebraskans grow BG big enough to eat small mallards.
Posted By: Sunil Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/17/08 08:53 PM
As of lately, I am thinking that I don't want any ducks or geese at my pond. I don't know why, but this season, there is more duck poop around then ever before, and it vastly reduces my enjoyment factor.
Posted By: KyCatfisher Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/20/08 02:52 PM
Well, as far as the ducks go, they were across the street the next morning! I had to lure them back with slices of white bread. (must be southern ducks! smile) Since I got them back, they have stayed. Does anyone know how to tell male from female? They are just white ducks.
Posted By: bobad Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/20/08 03:11 PM
I have 3 tame mallards that wandered in, and I'm not liking them. I bet 1 duck can inhale more feed pellets per minute than 30 BG!

They are pretty, and I do like the way they keep the banks smooth. But I'm afraid they eat too much of my grass shrimp, minnows, and other forage in addition to the feed pellets.

I'm fixin' to net them and "take them for a ride" down to the bayou. If netting is unsuccessful, I'll be forced to use the hot lead method.
Posted By: sullpond Re: Box of Quackers! - 06/21/08 10:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: KyCatfisher
Does anyone know how to tell male from female? They are just white ducks.

When we had white pekins, the males had brighter legs and beaks, and a curly feather at the top of the tail.
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