Pond Boss
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Montana - 05/16/08 12:35 PM
OK, my Wife has decided that this year, for the first time ever, we are going on a real vacation. She wants to go to Montana. OK with me. It will probably be sometime in the latter half of July.

I pulled up the MT websites and got overwhelmed. What do we want to do? Heck, I don't know. And, of course, she's putting the onus on me. Yeah I know; that's a no win deal. I'm kinda reminded of my Dads saying that if you don't know where you're going, almost any road will take you there.

Any of you guys been there and have recommendations? Any good stuff that you can do without going plumb broke? Any stupid ideas and/or sucker deals to stay away from?

Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Montana - 05/16/08 12:42 PM
Are you flying or giving any thought to driving? There's a lot of neat things to see on the way to MT from TX.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Montana - 05/16/08 12:53 PM
Posted By: ewest Re: Montana - 05/16/08 01:38 PM
Glacier National Park

Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Montana - 05/16/08 03:11 PM
Fort Peck Reservoir. #1 on In-Fisherman's list of domestic big Northern Pike fisheries.
Posted By: RobA Re: Montana - 05/16/08 03:28 PM
We've been doing the dude ranch thing in southwest Montana for the past few years. Great experience. Loads of ranches to choose from in the area. Lots to do and it's not all about horseback riding.

What area/airport are you going to?
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Montana - 05/16/08 04:34 PM
Heck, I don't know where to fly into. She jumped my butt this morning to get on the web to find out what we(she) would enjoy. Everything looks pretty neat to me.
Posted By: RobA Re: Montana - 05/17/08 12:38 AM
We fly into Salt Lake City (direct flight for us) and drive to Montana stopping in Idaho or driving through Teton National Forest in Wyoming and Yellowstone on way to Big Sky, Montana. Lots of driving but we travel well together and enjoy that part of it. We have also flown into Bozeman but that involves changing planes. The one time we did that summer storms screwed everything up and it wound up taking 18 hours to get there from Philadelphia airport.

You looking for anything specific? National parks? Hiking? Fishing? Rafting? Small town rodeo?
Posted By: Brettski Re: Montana - 05/17/08 01:05 AM
Didn't Rockytopper do an ultra-secluded cabin rental immersed within breathtaking mountain terrain? Where was that?
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Montana - 05/17/08 11:15 AM
Good idea Brett. I'm going to Rockys place tomorrow to administer a butt kicking in a fishing contest. I'll ask him.

Rob, we don't have any real preconcieved ideas. That's the problem. Thinking about it, I've hunted the Rockies on several occasions and have always really enjoyed the high places and the rough scenery. However, I've been there and done that.

I think I'm trending toward really seeing a glacier.

Here is once consideration. No matter what day it is, I've always been an early riser. Been that way since Basic Training in the mid 60's. OTOH, my Wife believes in arising about 8:30 on non work days, taking a 20 minute shower, about 45 minutes to coiffure and then a leisurely breakfast about 10:00. Drives me nuts and I doubt that even a cattle prod were get her moving any faster. So, I need someplace to go or something to see/do between about 5 to 9:30 AM. Hey, I'm just venting here and realize that we have different opinions about the meaning of a day off. I really need to find a place where there are no places to shop.
Posted By: Brettski Re: Montana - 05/17/08 11:23 AM
...maybe it was Colorado?
Posted By: ewest Re: Montana - 05/17/08 12:21 PM
Dave I have done what RobA suggested and it is tops. Jackson Lake Lodge in the Tetons is a GREAT place. She can sleep in and you can go to the back deck overlooking the mts (lots of short hikes around there to the willow flats to see wildlife) early in the day. Raft trips , horseback , guided hikes etc from the lodge. Jackson WY is about 30 min away for shopping , dinner or other town things. Plus Yellowstone is an hour up the road. Tons of stuff to do from that location. At one time you could fly jet service non-stop from DFW into Jackson WY.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Montana - 05/17/08 02:04 PM
I wonder if the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar is still happenin' in Jackson.
Posted By: RobA Re: Montana - 05/17/08 03:14 PM
It's not Montana but Cheyenne Frontier Days is July 18-27. Easy flight to Denver, short drive to WY. We went to the Calgary Stampede several years back and it was a blast.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Montana - 05/17/08 03:42 PM
Administration aint always what its cracked op to be.Thats a pretty confidant statement about people youve never met.What ya gonna do,cheat and bring in the heavywieghts,I mean grandkids
Posted By: rmedgar Re: Montana - 05/17/08 04:49 PM
Hey Dave, might be a good idea to call Ted Turner and see if he's using Montana the week y'all are going. He might have it closed for a private party.
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