Pond Boss
Two laps to go! It's gettin' crazy. Go Tony!

Third! \:\(
Wish he would've won.

I'm sure he can still buy bunches more feed-trained LMB with a 3rd place finish, though.
No Smoke today, boys. Roger plucks 2 more feathers for his hat.
Posted By: Dwight Re: POND BOSS TONY STEWART LEADING DAYTONA!!! - 02/18/08 10:46 PM
Ryan Newman fans have been suffering for a while. No more!

Boy Dwight, that is one heckuva an after picture. You need to at least mellow it with a before.
Posted By: Dwight Re: POND BOSS TONY STEWART LEADING DAYTONA!!! - 02/18/08 11:38 PM
That is the before. No drinking on Sunday for me!

Seems like I am always (purely by accident) throwing down the gauntlet for Sunil in the Corona Trophy Area \:\)
If you take on Sunil in a Corona contest, I'd keep a stomach pump handy. Normal evacuation methods might not be enough.
Posted By: Sunil Re: POND BOSS TONY STEWART LEADING DAYTONA!!! - 02/19/08 02:34 PM
I'm not sure how I've been cast here. Doesn't everyone buy a case of beer for their room when they'll be staying in a hotel for more than a day?

And doesn't everyone walk around the hotel grounds with a beer in hand when they are not working?
Some of us buy a case of DMD.
Posted By: ericdc Re: POND BOSS TONY STEWART LEADING DAYTONA!!! - 02/23/08 12:21 AM
ughhhh Tony Stewart!! Just for the record my favorite driver is the reigning back to back champ

Been a fan of the 48 for several years though, not just last year.
Stewart is up again. It pays to be a Pondmeister! I've always been a "24" guy, but if Tony buys LMB from Lusk I may have to entirely reconsider my loyalties. \:\)
Dang! He got run off the track. I'd better quit commenting. As soon as I say something he gets bumped.
I'll bet Goodyear is relieved. He'll trash Harvick for a change.
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