Pond Boss
Posted By: Bill Cody PB Mag Contents 2001 - 10/13/06 01:02 AM

January – February 2001 . Key: Nursery pond, Holistic mgmt basics, Green sunfish.

Eds Desk. Looking Ahead to Spring.

1. Cover Story. Rearing To Go. Tips from pros on building a nursery pond. Grow your own baitfish.

2. Ask PBoss. A. How to promote crayfish populations. B. Hints for finding fish to catch in 1.5ac. C. When to stock a filling pond and 500 vs 1000 bream per acre. D. Stocking a 3 ac pond in CA desert. E. Eradicating large cattails. F. Lime and fertilizer for LA pond.

3. Customers Write. A. Some herbicedes require no license. B. Help for 17ac TX, creek fed pond. C. Praise from NY, MI.

4. The Holistic Approach. All natural pond mgmt from the bottom up. 1st in a series of five articles; understanding why your pond has problems & how to fix them.

5. Notice. TX to hold bass seminar Mar 2001.

6. Note. Quest For Bass Record Goes Private.

7. Field Notes. FL Fish Experts Pan Green Sunfish. Disadvantages of g.sunfish and praise for bgill & redears for FL waters.

Mar-Apr 01 . Key: Fish professionals, Stocking values, Sampling water & fish, Eurasian milfoil, Holistic aeration, Stimulate forage, Fish kill symptoms.

Eds Desk. Unlikely Source Of Optimism.

1. Cover Story. Straight Shooters. B.Lusk. Tips on choosing a fisheries professional.

2. Apples To Apples, Fish To Fish. Learn to buy stocker fish on value.

3. Managing Mini-Pond. Taking Water and Fish Samples.

4. Customers Write. A. TX pond owner in hurry to wait. B. Advice about one ft thick layer of silt on pond bottom.

5. Pond Pros Police Their Own Ranks. Pro tips for managing and buying fish.

6. Ask PBoss. A. Will coppernose work in OK pond?. B. 8 ac Canadian pondowner seeks mgmt plan. C. Impact of 6 river otters on 10 ac lake.
D. Define pond vs lake. E. Optimum pH & alkalinity. F. Will raising water level kill cattails?. G. Affect of drought & severe water loss on ponds. H. Advice for do-it-yourselfer electofishing.

7. Know Pond Life. Eurasian Water milfoil a Pond Nuisance. Description, pond role, tips on control.

8. Restoring A Pond With Aeration. 2nd in holistic mgmt. series. Importance & benefits of bottom aeration.

9. Fueling Your Forage. Four topics for stimulating the food fish.

10. Northern Ponds. Spring Checklist For The Upper Midwest. Five symptoms of a possible fish kill; fix the problems.

May-Jun 01 . Key: Management philosophies, LMB virus, Weed management, Shad, Holistic Biofiltration, Springtime ponds, Pond vs lake.

Eds Desk. A Brag, An Apology, A Vow.

1. Cover Story. Attitude Adjustment. SE Pond Mgmt Team. Old vs new mgmt philosophies explored.

2. Bass-Killing Virus Now Confirmed in 15 States.

3. Ask PBoss. A. Crappies a problem for KS pond. B. Advice for SMB in NC. C. Catfish hogging feed and advice on threadfins. D. Poor survival of stocked fingerlings & cover advice. E. Best fish weighing scale. F. Poor redear survival in OH. G. How tos for increasing crawdads/crawfish. H. Wormy fish in OK pond.

4. Customers Write. A. Subscription notes. B. Praise from TX HS teacher and a Dallas area wife.

5. Rules of Engagement. KDuffie. Ten tips for battling aquatic weeds.

6. Managing Mini-Pond. Shad Not Always The Answer In Small Ponds.

7. Mats A Tool For Habitat, Food Chain. 3rd in holistic mgmt. series. Aquamats benefits and uses described.

8. Northern Pond Mgmt. Putting Spring In Your Pond's Step. Preparing a pond for spring.

9. Field Notes. Strategy Shift Saves Thousands Of Dollars. Grant Lk TX treatment for bushy pond weed. FL bass in PuertoRico short lived.

10. Pond vs Lake by B.Smith. "If you own it, it's a pond. If it's mine, it's a lake".

Jul-Aug 01 . Key: New ponds, TX pond rules, Pond microbes, Bottom aeration, Fish data & records.

Eds Desk. Ten Memorable Years.

1. Cover Story. Startup Strategy. Pro tips on building a new pond. Part I.Planning.

2. Lawmakers Stand By Texas Pond Owners. TX reduces restrictions for ponds on private land.

3. Ask P.Boss. A. Is supplemental feeding useful to bass? B. Best plans for rebuilt pond. C. Why a fish kill after fertilizing?. D. Best things to plant on earthen dam. E. Grass carp control algae?. F. What is white growth along dorsal fins? G. Best fertilizer for 4 ac GA pond.

4. Pond To Plate. Robust Roux. Cajun vegetables & seafood.

5. Holistic pond mgmt series – 4th. The Role Of Beneficial Microbes. Affects of bacterial additions, what they do, how they work; differences among brands.

6. Northern Pond. Putting Life Back In An Old Pond. Bottom aeration benefits, components. Stocking strategy and fish records.

Sep-Oct 01 . Key: Native plants, Water levels, Holistic tools, Catfish, Pond design.

Eds Desk. Listen To The Pros...

1. Cover Story. New Studies Highlight Native Plants. Importance of aquatic plants, beneficial amounts, some good and bad types listed.

2. Stocking Your Own "Good Plants". M.MCune's hints and favorites.

3. Ask P.Boss. A. Leaky pond posed challenge. B. Are catfish good for a 3 ac minnow,bgill& bass pond? C. 1/4 ac OH pond with grassy pondweed problem. D. Weed help for pond in VA. E. 6 ac TX pond gets fertilization advice.

4. Article. Strategy For Up-And-Down Ponds. Effects of fluxuating water levels upon ponds are discussed.

5. Customers Write. A. MO pondowner seeks advice. B. Mom & Pop McDonald wonder where they went wrong w/ their favorite son.

6. Holistic pond mgmt 5th. Using The Proper Management Tools. Holistic pond mgmt tools are summarized to help with pond restoration.

7. Managing Mini-Pond. Catfish A Challenge In Small Ponds.

8. Pros Give Tips On Customizing Your Pond. Pond builder gives tips for designing a pond and the surrounding area.

Nov-Dec 01 . Key: Fish genetics, Genetic testing, FL pond renovation, Structure & reefs, Fertilization,

Eds Desk. An Island Of Relief...

1. Cover Story. Fish Genetics For Pondmeisters. Hope or hype?. B.Lusk's guidelines & valuable insight for genetics of the pond's fishery.

2. Stocking The Right Fish. Tips on testing the genetics of your fish.

3. Ask P.Boss. A. Will LMB eat catfish and rudd in France? B. Millweeed problem & leaky dam. C. Do underwater plants add or take out oxygen from the pond?

4. Searching High & Low. Spotlight on TX pond owner with two 20 ac lakes.

5. Customers Write. A. Pond challenges of south African. B. TN pondowner exposes hatchery offering free fish in newspaper ad. C. Praise for barley straw.

6. Managing Mini-Pond. A Small Pond In Your Neighborhood. Renovating a one ac FL pond.

7. Curing Structureless Syndrome. Fish structure and underwter reef ideas from an AL pond owner.

8. Insert - Fertilizer Feeds Fish. J.Foster provides advice about pond fertilization.

9. P.Boss Profile. Webmaster Found He Missed Fishing. Website designer is profiled; visit him at www.bassresource.com

10. Pond to Plate. Skinny Spuds. Baked sliced & spiced potatoes.

11. Christmas Stocking Promo. Fly Rod Offer An Idal Gift.

Pond Boss Magazine Index 2001
Basically just the articles were indexed. Topics of: Field notes, Pond to Plate, Food Recipes, Editorials, Customers letters, were not indexed. Occasionally a question with a detailed answer from Ask The Boss (Letters & emails) was indexed. A food recipe index may be created later.

The index will often have several listings for the same article such as: bass largemouth; Largemouth Bass; LMB; Fish LM bass harvest; bass thinning; management bass. This may eventually be helpful with some software that is able to search for key words.

Aeration - holistic, Mar-Apr 01
Aeration & dye mgmt, May-Jun 01
Aeration, run time, Jul-Aug 01
Aquamats, Holistic mgmt, May-Jun 01
Bacteria - pond role, Jul-Aug 01
Bluegill coppernose, Q-A, Mar-Apr 01
Bottom aeration, Jul-Aug 01
Catfish, deaths explained, Sep-Oct 01
Catfish, Sep-Oct 01
Coppernose bluegill Q-A, Mar-Apr 01
Crappie advice Q-A, May-Jun 01
Crayfish advice Q-A, May-Jun 01
Dye & aeration mgmt, May-Jun 01
Eurasian milfoil, Mar-Apr 01
Feeding guidelines Q-A, Jul-Aug 01
Fertilization benefits, Nov-Dec 01
Fish – coppernose Q-A, Mar-Apr 01
Fish - green sunfish, Jan-Feb 01
Fish crappie Q-A, May-Jun
Fish data, Jul-Aug 01
Fish genetics, Nov-Dec 01
Fish kill symptoms, Mar-Apr 01
Fish professionals, Mar-Apr 01
Fish pros self-police, Mar-Apr 01
Fish sampling, Mar-Apr 01
Fish stocker value, Mar-Apr 01
Fishery biologists choose, Mar-Apr 01
FL pond renovation, Nov-Dec 01
Forage - basic ideas, Mar-Apr 01
Genetic testing tips, Nov-Dec 01
Green sunfish, Jan-Feb 01
Hall Lakes (20 ac) Nov-Dec 01
Holistic aeration, Mar-Apr 01
Holistic Biofiltration, May-Jun 01
Holistic management, Jan-Feb 01
Holistic mgmt basics, Jan-Feb 01
Holistic tools, summary, Sep-Oct
LMB virus, May-Jun 01
Management Pond - Holistic, Jan-Feb 01
Management, dye, aeration May-Jun 01
Management weeds ten tips May-Jun 01
May, Glenn profile, Nov-Dec 01
Mgmt philosophies, May-Jun
Microbes, pond, Jul-Aug 01
Milfoil, Eurasian, Mar-Apr 01
Native plants, Sep-Oct 01
New ponds tips, Jul-Aug 01
Nursery pond, Jan-Feb 01
Pesticides – license Q-A, Jan-Feb 01
Plants, native beneficial, Sep-Oct 01
Plants, using good ones, Sep-Oct 01
Pond – nursery, Jan-Feb 01
Pond design tips, Sep-Oct 01
Pond mgmt – conflicts, May-Jun 01
Pond mgmt spring tasks, Mar-Apr 01
Pond microbes, Jul-Aug 0101
Pond, rearing, Jan-Feb 01
Pond restoration – aeration, Mar-Apr 01
Pond TX regs relaxed, Jul-Aug 01
Pond vs lake, May-Jun 01
Pond, old rejuvenate, Jul-Aug 01
Ponds, build new tips, Jul-Aug 01
Ponds, in dry spells, Sep-Oct 01
Sampling water & fish, Mar-Apr 01
Shad, gizzard info, May-Jun 01
Springtime ponds, May-Jun 01
Stimulate forage, Mar-Apr 01
Stocker fish values, Mar-Apr 01
Stocking values, Mar-Apr 01
Structure & reef ideas, Nov-Dec 01
Structure, Aquamats 01
Sunfish green, Jan-Feb 01
TX pond rules, Jul-Aug 01
Water level fluxuations, Sep-Oct 01
Water sampling, Mar-Apr 01
Watermilfoil, Eurasian, Mar-Apr 01
Weed management, May-Jun 01
Weeds – Eurasian milfoil, Mar-Apr 01
Weeds - 10 control tips May-Jun 01
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