Pond Boss
Posted By: Greg Grimes what the ....? - 01/24/08 02:58 PM

Client had this paint on his pond. He used a paper towel on a rod to gather some. Once it started to warm up the paint started crawling and flying away. They were bugs about the size of fleas. I have never seen this before. He recently cut down some pine trees that had pine beetle damage. Also upon further review he noticed a few around the house not just on top of the ice on his north Georgia pond. Anyone have a clue. His up close shot was blurry. There is another picture after this one as well if that helps.
Posted By: Shorty Re: what the ....? - 01/24/08 03:05 PM
Hard to tell Greg, but they might be a type of Springtails.

Do they look like any of these up close? Scroll down and check out the snow fleas.

Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: what the ....? - 01/24/08 07:16 PM
Thanks shorty I will get that link to client. Cody, any other wants to comment, ever seen anything like that on a pond?
Posted By: Cary Martin Re: what the ....? - 01/24/08 08:39 PM

We had the same on one of our client's ponds about 2-weeks ago. After the cold temps last week (1 degrees) they have vannished.
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