Pond Boss
Bottom line is that PB Mag is an incredible resource as well as an extremely entertaining read. I would like to see the MAGAZINE continue to grow in terms of subscriber base. I think that it might help if you recognize subscribers on the forum with their own membership status (title). It should help to encourage subscribership, not to mention it would be a point of pride for me (and I believe others) as I feel I actually have a (albeit small) part in supporting this site, the community and of course the mag itself.

There are some thoughts along that line. However, it would be a considerable clerical effort to match up posters with subscribers. For example, who is Weissguy and where is he from? A little known fact is that a lot of mag subscribers never post or even log on here. Another factoid is that, while the number and or % is unknown, not a lot of forum members subscribe to the mag and support the forum. Lusk and Otto bear the cost without a return. That's a shame because the Mag has a lot of information that most people never even think to ask and the info is not here.

Like you, I think something needs to be done along these lines. I'm not into something for nothing.

BTW, I'm one of the original Forum junkies, a couple of generations back, and one of the first Mods. Like you, I pay for a Mag subscription. Just wrote a check for 2 more years. Mods neither get or expect a free ride.

Other thoughts?
 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
That's a shame because the Mag has a lot of information that most people never even think to ask and the info is not here.

Very true. Lot's of good stuff in PBMag that's not on the forum.

For example, who is Weissguy and where is he from?

You mean he's not really named "Weissguy"?
-"Theo Gallus" \:\/ ;\)
 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
There are some thoughts along that line. However, it would be a considerable clerical effort to match up posters with subscribers.

Although I am nether for nor against this particular proposal (dang have I been watching too many political ads or what) I would think that this would be fairly easy to accomplish. Have any forum member that wanted to be recognized as a magazine subscriber email in the name under which they have subscribed.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
For example, who is Weissguy and where is he from?
It is my belief that Weissguy is a CIA operative that is trying to infiltrate the dreaded Green Sunfish Association in order to monitor our activities. That however is just one members view. I am not paranoid, they are out to get me.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
A little known fact is that a lot of mag subscribers never post or even log on here. Another factoid is that, while the number and or % is unknown, not a lot of forum members subscribe to the mag and support the forum.

Those are two very sad factiods. (or are they facts, what is the difference between a factoid or fact, why did I use the word factoid, I seem to have lost control of my keyboard, don't blame me if some well reasoned logical post follows) anyhoo as I was saying before I so rudely interupted myself forum members that don't subscribe to the magazine don't know what they are missing. Although I mostly look at the magazine for the pretty pictures I do actually learn a lot about pond issues. Following Bruce's pond problem was very interesting. And conversly, why would you subscribe to the magazine and not participate in the forums? On the forums you have almost immediate access to pond experts (and unfortunately exposure to goofballs like myself but that is a small price to pay).

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Lusk and Otto bear the cost without a return. That's a shame because the Mag has a lot of information that most people never even think to ask and the info is not here.

Like you, I think something needs to be done along these lines. I'm not into something for nothing.

BTW, I'm one of the original Forum junkies, a couple of generations back, and one of the first Mods. Like you, I pay for a Mag subscription. Just wrote a check for 2 more years. Mods neither get or expect a free ride.

Bottom line is that the magazine is a great resource. If you are not a subscriber you should be. The forum is a great resource also and this lowly member would be among the first in line to donate funds to support this forum.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Other thoughts?

Bruce has made me hungry for bananas.
My pond has too much Elodea.
I need another cup of coffee.
I can't believe I am starting my 28th tax season - dang I'm getting old.
If I stare at the bright light for ten seconds and then quickly look away red dots appear everywhere, that's pretty cool, I wonder if it can hurt your eyeballs.
I wonder if Weissman is using a GPS tracking device to follow my every move.
 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
There are some thoughts along that line. However, it would be a considerable clerical effort to match up posters with subscribers. For example, who is Weissguy and where is he from?

Very valid point, but couldn't this be solved by simply assigning a unique subscriber number to each person on the mailing list and simply have them email this number to you to verify their status on the forums? Remember, my ultimate reason for this is to encourage further subscriptions. By acknowledging those current subs that are participants in the forum you further demonstrate that we are proud to be not only a participant in the community but SUPPORT it's existence. Without a subscriber base there would be no advertisers, and without the advertisers there would be no mag, and without the mag there would be no forum. The mag is what makes this forum possible, and I for one believe that's worth recognizing.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
A little known fact is that a lot of mag subscribers never post or even log on here. Another factoid is that, while the number and or % is unknown, not a lot of forum members subscribe to the mag and support the forum.

I can completely understand this. However, there is next to ZERO mention of this incredible resource that PB provides in the mag. That's a shame in my opinion. The two should be considered complementary, not completely seperate entities. If it wasn't for the forum, I would never have known PB mag existed. I found this site and ultimately became a sub because I did a google search related to pond stocking and ended up on a related thread right here on this very forum. The forum made me a sub.

Something to think about also. If I were to take a guess, I would say most subs are in the 40-55 age group. This age group relies on the Internet far less when doing research and such. Myself, I am 30. When I have a question, the first thing I do is grab my laptop and look it up. If PB mag wants a higher distribution, they need to focus more marketing efforts on the Internet.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Lusk and Otto bear the cost without a return. That's a shame because the Mag has a lot of information that most people never even think to ask and the info is not here.

I would disagree that there is no return. Again, I sub'd because I found this FORUM. I would argue that there are indeed others out there just like me. Without the forum, I would have had no idea there was such a great mag. This sort of approach to the forum and to the website in general may actually be holding back the success of the magazine. Again, they need to be considered one in the same to a certain degree.

The website should NEVER be a losing proposition when a business itself is that of a MEDIA focus. It should be profitable and self-sustaining, and the mag should emphasize it as a great resource as well. The more popular the website is, and the more participants you have in the forums, the more people come to know you actually HAVE a mag. The best place to encourage more activity on the site is within the mag itself. Get your subs to visit and participate, and the two promote each other.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Like you, I think something needs to be done along these lines. I'm not into something for nothing.

Agreed completely.

 Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
BTW, I'm one of the original Forum junkies, a couple of generations back, and one of the first Mods. Like you, I pay for a Mag subscription. Just wrote a check for 2 more years. Mods neither get or expect a free ride.

I only wish I would have found this place, and the magazine earlier. Quite honestly, that's something that we all hear on this forum almost daily by new members. My point is that without a healthy revenue stream (subscription dues and then advertisers that choose to spend their money BASED on distribution numbers), the magazine (and the business itself) isn't reaching it's full potential. Subscription to the magazine should be a primary focus on the forums. Participation in the forums should be a primary focus in the mag.
 Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
It is my belief that Weissguy is a CIA operative that is trying to infiltrate the dreaded Green Sunfish Association in order to monitor our activities. That however is just one members view. I am not paranoid, they are out to get me.

Watch yourself JHAP. We ARE out to get you.

Okay, to be honest, we'd just appreciate if you'd remove the space in "sun fish" on your offical coat of arms. It's just plain Anti-American. Before long bluegill are going to expect the same treatment. What's next? The pumpkinseed? The Redear?

In all seriousness though... Excellent points in your post.

Although I don't post here very often, I do come here to research questions I have. Also, I agree that the mag is excellent and well worth the cost of the subscription!
I guess that those of us who subscribe could show our support by putting something like this in our signatures:

 Originally Posted By: Weissguy

Watch yourself JHAP. We ARE out to get you.

I just knew it!

 Originally Posted By: Weissguy
Okay, to be honest, we'd just appreciate if you'd remove the space in "sun fish" on your offical coat of arms. It's just plain Anti-American. Before long bluegill are going to expect the same treatment. What's next? The pumpkinseed? The Redear?

Never will the space be removed. It's the GSA's way of sticking it to the man. We hope that the extra space will enter your subconscious and cause you to show a healthy level of fear and respect for the GSA. After all if we we can put an extra space between sun and fish then imagine the power that we possess. Perhaps we will eliminate the question mark. What to you think of that. HA see that? No question mark, I tried to warn you. You can't imagine the evil plans that we have for the semicolon.

Besides we couldn't afford the cost of redoing our logo, donations are down, expenses are up. It's tough being an evil-doer in this economy.

I would add that to my signature, but would need some instructions.
 Originally Posted By: n8ly

I would add that to my signature, but would need some instructions.


If you right click on the image with your mouse button, you should get the option to save the image to your computer. You can then save it to someplace like Photobucket, and display it just like the photo you now have in your signature.

If Bob Lusk or any of the moderators think we are violating any copyright issues, we will need to comply.

Thanks. That was easy.
Thanks for the graphic Ken. Great idea!
Yes indeed, thanks Ken.
i'll try too

it worked!
Me to - it worked !! Great idea Ken. \:\)
This is just like Arlo Guthrie in Alice's Restaurant. Its like we've started a movement.

Partial Lyrics from Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaraunt."

And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in
singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an
organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said
fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and
walking out. And friends, they may thinks it's a movement.

 Originally Posted By: ewest
Me to - it worked !! Great idea Ken. \:\)

It worked...
I'm in!
Me too!
Thanks Ken for the instructions!

Great idea!
Lots of people have thanked me for this -- but all I did was take 5 minutes and make the graphic.

Weissguy really deserves the credit for coming up the the idea of showing our support.

Thanks Weissguy!
I can't figure it out. Is there any way someone else can do it for me? I really am a subscriber - honest!!!

<fish w/hat> I Subscribe!

See my post below.

Randy I will try.

Randy Mods can't edit membership info.

I will add it to your post above. You go in and copy it as you can edit your own post. After you copy it - go to your profile and near the bottom add it as an avatar.

Thanks to everyone. Truth is a lot of us have proudly declared our subscribership in our signatures for sometime now, but it's good to revisit the concept.

All of Weissguys comments are good and Ken, you have helped by making a nice standard placard that we can all use. Thanks to both of you.
Everyone, all together now:

"You can get anything you want
at Alice's Restaurant
(Subcribe to Pond Boss)."
The Jaeger Wald logo has never looked better!
You just want to catch the fish.
Can someone add it to mine so I can try to add it too,thank you
Theo's logo after a visit from Bruce....

notice the lack of elbow???
Not sure this is the place to do it and I know it will offend some people, but I'm throwing my lot in with the GSA guys. I like the idea of sticking it to the man. No wait I am the man or am I. Anyway, I really wanted to at my logo
Why doesn't it work for me?

Try this :

Mods can't edit membership info.

I added it to your post here. You go in and copy it as you can edit your own post. After you copy it - go to your profile and near the bottom add it as an avatar.

cheyenne19, where you have "[image]" you should change to "[IMG]" for the beginning and then "[/IMG]" at the end.

That should do it. If not, try "\" instead of "/"
In photobucket you only have to click on the IMG CODE box and it will automaticly copy it correctly for you.

Just paste that into your signature and it will work.
Try changing [image] to [IMG] in your signature. That's the only difference I see in what you have in your signature and what I have in mine.
And now it works. I had to copy it from photobucket. It was the same as using img, but it works.
Thanks guys,
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