Pond Boss
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 03:20 AM
and of course those with ponds.

Forecast is for highs in the 90's and no rain for at least five or six more days here in northern Indiana. Today while I ran some errands I noticed corn already starting to yellow.

I heard a forecaster says we may have an all time record warm spring this year.

I guess all the rain is bottled up in the plains.

No worries pondwise here as I run a well 24/7 for my trout pond which flows into most of my existing ponds.

I feel your pain in drought areas now although we are nowhere near as bad as you guys.

Oh yeah and to compound things hummidity isn't getting out of the 30 percent range.
Posted By: okiefish16 Re: Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 03:34 AM
sorry to hear about the dry weather. This has been the wettest spring we have had in years. I feel bad for some of the farmers here. They are getting hammered with hail and lots and lots of rain. Last year not enough rain and this year to much.
Posted By: Double-Camp Re: Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 04:36 AM
This is the link to the US Drought Monitor page.
Posted By: Ryan Freeze Re: Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 12:45 PM
Our corn is curling but hasn't yellowed yet. According the link above I'm in a moderate drought zone. My pond is the lower than it was in August of '05, down about 3' now. I added aeration early this week and have been running it slowly, going through the startup schedule. The fish don't seem to mind the low water as they were biting like crazy last night, either that or they're easier to catch because they're a lot closer together.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 02:46 PM
We're feeling it in Northern California as well.

Rainfall totals way below normal and 90 degree weather.

The pond is gonna be low by the end of this summer unless something drastic happens.
Posted By: MarkECIN Re: Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 04:33 PM
Mideast Indiana - very much in the drought, corn holding it's own but soon will show the effects...hubby farmer worried. We're not to maybe get rain until Tuesday. All yards in area turning brown, big cracks in yard all over. Pond down one foot and probably by the weekend it will be more. We're deep enought that fish in pond are holding their own. Wish it would rain.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Not good here for farmers... - 06/15/07 06:00 PM
Hay yields here are down (maybe way down, have to see how all the fields turn out) from normal. At least it's not as bad as '88. It was so dry that Summer we cut, raked, and baled all in one day, and just kept going after dark until we ran out of wagon space. The dew never set. That just doesn't normally happen in Ohio.
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