Pond Boss
I was so glad to meet many of you great folks at the confernece and was able to (barely, through the tears) thank you in person for your thoughts in our struggles for 4.5 years to have a child. It was awesome the outpouring I got when we finally had Wyatt last June.

On this trip I was also able to annouce that Wendy was pregnant (naturally this time)and see your genuine happiness for us. Sad to say we made it to the Dr. on thursday for 10 week checkup and found out the baby did not have a heartbeat, she just started having the micarriage today. It has been tough on us but we got pregnant naturally this time and I know we can do it again. I have busy since return from TX and again this week out of town but I apprecaite all your great thoughts. Your prayers helped before and not embrassed to ask for them again. Just thought I would take a moment to pass on the news, thanks again.
Debbie and I are so sorry. We stop now and ask prayers for you and Wendy. Give Wyatt an extra hug for all of us and know you are an important part of our Pond Boss family.
I've only been on board at PB some 18 months, but you come across every time as one good guy. Good things come to good people. Donna and I will pray for your strength.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Wendy. This sort of thing makes you realize how precious life is, and I know y'all will persevere with the help of the Almighty.
My wife and I come along side you with prayers and broken hearts for your family right now. We are truly sorry to hear this news. Our God is an awesome God and will see you guys through the tears and pain. He promised.
So sorry to hear the news....our prayers are with you and Wendy.
Brother, that must have been a tough message to type out. Maybe all in God's master plan...who knows?

My wife's and my thoughts are with you and Wendy and Wyatt.

I hope you can spend more time with your wife and son over the next few days to start healing.
Greg, so sorry to hear the bad news. Thanks for caring enough about your PB family to share with us. As you know, we all care a great deal for you and your family.

My prayers are with you too. You are the real deal with the tears that came at the end of the convention. Keep your head up!
Greg, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
the Glazener's

I'm thankful for people like you who take their problems to the lord and share it as a testimony of faith instead of the opposite. I will be praying for you and your wife sir.


Keith Wolfe
My Wife, daughter and I will ask the Lord tonight in our family prayer to help your family with the healing and show the way. Thanks for sharing such a personal thing with your extended family.

The Eades family
Greg, we are so very sorry for your loss. We will keep you and your wife in our thoughts and prayers.

The Mauchs
Greg, my heart goes out to you.

You and Wendy have already experienced one miracle with Wyatt and, God willing, will do so again.
Your family is in our prayers.
Oh my goodness, Greg. I'm so sorry.
Oh man! this is a downer. Man I am socked to here this. You have my deepest sympothy on this. I will be in prayer for you on this...so sorry about this..
We are very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts & prayers are with you & Wendy.

The Sefton's
Thinking of you and Wendy and praying that God will bless you with His Grace.

David & Linda
Greg, You will be in my families thoughts and prayers. We will light a candle for your family tonight.
Thinking about you, Wendy and Wyatt.

For your family - be strong. Call any of us for support. We are here to help.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Just turned on my computer after four days and get some bad news right off.
So sorry for your loss Greg!
The Pond Boss Family is behind you friend.

I consider myself a tough old cuss and don’t show my emotions , but in the privacy of my office this morning after reading your post I got weak in the knees …….let me just say that men do have emotions and its good to have a talk with the man up stairs and share them with him. I did and gave it my best praying for you and your family. Thanks for sharing …….Jim and Marilyn.
Very sorry to hear about your loss Greg, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.


I am sorry for your loss. I have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


You know that you, Wendy and Wyatt are on our family's prayer list. God obviously has a master plan and right now Wyatt is in that plan for you.
Prayers from the Klemstein family. Hang in there.

Very sorry to hear that, Greg. You are in our prayers.

Dave Helms & Family
sorry to miss the conference and meeting you greg, you and family also have prayers from our family in el dorado.

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
Greg, Wendy and Wyatt, the Wood family's thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope the support you have found here with your Pond Boss family helps you through your difficult time.
We will be praying for you.
Greg, it was so nice to congratulate you on the birth of Wyatt and have you announce the comming of another child. One of the greatest posts I've ever read is the one you made after the PB convention how you and Wyatt went around your lakes and how much that meant to you. The song about there being a time for everything, really is true. There is a time to laugh and celebrate and a time to mourn and cry. Life wouldn't be life without both and many other things in between. We celebrate your walk around your lakes and mourn with you now. Thank you for sharing all of these different parts of your life with us!
Our prayers go up for you as well. This must really be a hard time!
I will pray that you receive God's healing grace and that you will both realize that God does have a plan, even if we do not always see it immediately. Keep the faith and your prayers will be answered
Greg and Wendy,

For what it's worth, we went through the same ordeal 3 times before our 2nd boy was born. Looking back on it now, I have to say how thankful I am that I have the 2 healthy boys you met at my place.

The pain will heal, my friend. Be strong now and it will work out for you.
Greg, I am sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Greg, I have not posted here for a long time, as I've been depressed about my pond situation. I think I've sealed it but we are into a drought that like no Ole Timer has ever seen in Tennessee some 6 inches below normal in our wet season.

I post for the first time in a while to tell you that my prayers are with you and that I feel worse for your wife than I do for you. She has to be in a lot of mental anguish. It's hard on a man and harder on a woman, normally. I will say that my brother and one of my sisters have had their own problems. The brother and his wife now have four and my sister is expecting her second. If you are able to have another, it will be a great distraction. If not, focus on the one blessing God has given you, and know there are a lot of people out there who would love to have just one of their own and can not.

Either way, may peace be with your family and my prayers are with you and your wife and son, though I hold my head low because I'm not worthy to even request them.

Edit for spelling
You people (isn't that what got Ross Perot in trouble) are amazing. I have not had a chance to check back since Sunday. It does help in more ways than you realize to read this thread. Thanks for your supoprt and I will let you know when another future PB member is on the way. I might have to wait until Wendy is about to pop b/f I let yall in on this one.

Thanks and take care I owe you all one. I think I will go ahead and preorder beers (or cokes)for the next PB conference for all those who took time for your kind words. Thanks a million! As if there was ever an issue but this just shows how wonderful a group of people we have here.
your family is in our prayes. May God bless your family
Greg, Wendy, Wyatt,

Gail and I lost our first baby, Cindy, when she was six months old. It was an extremely difficult time.

Our love for each other, our faith in God, and the support of our family got us through the worst days.

Even though Cindy died many years ago, we still miss her a lot.

We have two beautiful daughters with great husbands and two more grand-babies on the way. Cherish your family and friends, because that is what really matters.

The Lord will get you though this………

Dwight & Gail
PI and Dwight out of the tens of thousands of posts on the Forum those are 2 of the most outstanding because they capture the essence of our journey through life. \:\)
Greg: I remember the joy of you announcing the birth of Wyatt on this site, the humerous pictures of the "weigh-in" and your honest emotional discussion at the end of the conference. I look forward to your next happy announcement.

I wouldn't wait until she is about to "pop". Her next pregnancy can be well supported by prayer from this group.

God bless you all.

Our prayers are with you

Larry T
Greg and Wendy, I am so sorry for your loss.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Update, Wendy is doing fine. It was difficult situation for a few days after I posted once the process started. Appears to be letting up probably in part to your kinds words and prayers. thanks again. I printed out this thread for her and she also is very grateful. Wyatt is a fun as ever. He is starting to us sign language quite well, pretty cool.
Greg we are sorry to hear the bad news. Our prayers are with you and your family.
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