Pond Boss
Posted By: heybud $500,000 Buck - 10/11/06 12:37 AM
This buck recently sold for 1/2 million bucks. He is located in George West, Texas, my old home town. As you can see in the pict, he is in velvet.

Posted By: trialsguy Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/11/06 01:27 AM
Is that One of those ranch raised bucks that go to a game ranch for the rich and famous to hunt?
Posted By: heybud Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/11/06 01:34 AM
Well I doubt if they will be hunting this guy. These deer are breed stock. There are quite a few ranches now that are in the trophy breeding bidness. I have been on ranches in South Texas where the does were ear tagged. Although, I suspect that if someone made an offer they couldn't refuse they would let them shoot this bad boy.
Posted By: trialsguy Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/11/06 01:57 AM
Neat! Use him for breeding stock then collect the antlers when they drop and sell them to high bidder so they can have a mount made.
Posted By: Bob Lusk Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/11/06 11:32 AM
His semen brings the big bucks, so to speak. Part of Dan VanSchaik's business is consulting with deer producers such as this one.
Posted By: heybud Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/12/06 12:26 PM
A friend of mine from George West told me the name of the guy who sold it and said the buyers got thier money back almost instantly selling the semen, like Bob said. Can fish bring that kind of money. I had better get to Zephyr and start pampering the boys.
Posted By: PondsForFun Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/12/06 02:34 PM
I can just see the sign:
For sale: Milt from a 27# Bass. $10,000 per gram! \:\)
Posted By: Pottsy Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/12/06 05:56 PM
Now I am not sure if this is a gag... that rack is frightfully huge, but ugly as sin.
Posted By: PondsForFun Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/12/06 09:00 PM
Pottsy- The rack is in velvet. They are probably giving him some sort of hormone to keep him that way (WAG). How would you like for your $500K buck to go rooting around with that rack?
Posted By: new_water_ways Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/13/06 02:57 PM
Wouldnt it depend on when the pic was taken as to weather or not he is still in velvet?

I know my hubby wouldn't hesitate to put it on the wall.. problem being, "where?" We have 3 already. Very nice buck, shame you don't see many like that in the wild. Although he is very nontypical even for farm raised, isn't he?
Posted By: Shorty Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/13/06 03:18 PM
new-water-ways, my wife saw one like that down at her uncle's farm here in NE two years ago on the opening day of muzzle loading season. She said he was 6-10" wider than his ears on each side. I was proud of her for not attempting a bad shot on him, the only shot she had on him was Texas heart shot that was a little bit past her comfortable shooting range, he was also weaving in and out of some cedar trees. To my knowledge, no one ever got him, I do know her cousin hunted him hard during rifle season the month before but never saw him until after dark, he is an extremely nocturnal buck that likes to bed down next to highway where there is very little hunting pressure.
Posted By: new_water_ways Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/13/06 03:54 PM
Shorty, cool, I know there are some big ones out there, they are hard to find, and smart too, or they wouldn't get that big. Here in SW Missouri where I live there are very few big bucks any more. If you find one that has 8 points and 12-14 inches tall your lucky. They have started to put a limit on the # of bucks taken and they have to have at least 4 points. We used to have a large number of deer here on our place untill a coyote pen was put in, then the owner of the pen killed every deer around for fear of it getting into his precious pen. Hubby has one 10 point deer that went into Mo. Bug Bucks. That was back in the Mid 80's. Since then he has had a hard time finding any thing that has much of a rack. I'm glad to hear yopur wife was hunter enough to not take a bad shot, that is one thing my hubby taught our boys, "if you can't take it down in one shot don't shoot" course we all know there are exceptions to that but basically not to shoot inless you have a "good" shot. They are all getting ready for deer season here now, and the muzzle loader shoot as well. Well better shut up now.
Posted By: TEXAS715 Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/18/06 10:49 PM
I don't see any picture what am I doing wrong?
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/19/06 04:33 AM
Not waiting long enough for the download? Or maybe trying during a peak server demand period?
Posted By: new_water_ways Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/19/06 02:24 PM
I had trouble with it too, took a long time to come in, maybe this will help.

Posted By: TEXAS715 Re: $500,000 Buck - 10/24/06 03:09 PM
That helped. Thanks.
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