Pond Boss
Posted By: bugfree12 Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/03/06 05:11 PM
First off everyone's ok.

My garage is destroyed. Pond has a lot of debris mostly my neighbors garage roof.

When people talk about hearing a train now I know what the mean!

You could hear it coming over the hill then came the debris in the air. Thats when we headed for the basement.

I will try to post pics tonight.
Posted By: Bob-O Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/03/06 05:23 PM
Bug, glad no one was hurt. Wish ya the best in clearin the pond, and rebuildin the garage. Maybe this is a good time ta upgrade to a pole barn. Good luck. Bob-O
Posted By: Allchca Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/03/06 09:14 PM
Ouch. We were at Patoka lake and there was a tornado north of us Friday. It must have been a nasty dose of weather to say the least. We were on the lake during the first few minutes of the storm yesterday. Boat motor kept wimping out so it took longer than it should to travel 1/4 mile back to camp.

Good luck getting it cleaned up. Good thing it was just your garage.
Posted By: Shawn Dooley Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/03/06 09:50 PM
We were coming back from the concert in Indianapolis and got stuck at a Taco Bell to ride things out. The trip down 37 was incredible. Every town had large sections with no power. They were re-routing traffic off 37 and through town at each of the lights that didn't have power. I don't understand why they would funnel all that traffic into blacked out towns, but they were doing it. Finally saw consistent power in French Lick and had power in Dubois.

The wind blew our grill across the driveway and blew an empty propane tank about 75 yards. An outdoor fan lost all it's blades and our patio furniture was blown all over. I think we lucked out.

All that, and I only got about an inch in the pond...
Posted By: bugfree12 Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 02:50 AM

Pic's of my damage. It's been a long day.
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 03:05 AM
Sorry you've had to go through all this, bugfree12. Please keep us informed how you rebuild and we'll say prayers of thanks that you guys are OK.

Posted By: Brettski Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 10:38 AM
It's difficult to imagine, let alone accept, the loss of 27 lives as a result of this widespread natural disaster. As reported, at least one was an infant, \:\(
We count ourselves fortunate to have the Bug-man here to tell the story. We pray for all.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 11:06 AM
This brings a lot of things into perspective. I'm praying for a good storm to bring significant rainfall and maybe, just maybe, save my remaining fish. I don't need it at that cost.

You know, I've often wished that I had a basement but they no longer build them in Texas.
Posted By: bugfree12 Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 02:22 PM
If there can be good from a storm like this it must be seeing your friends,family and neighbors helping each other.

I haven't been a member here for very long but it feels like a neighborhood too.

One of my first thoughts after it hit was I need to share this with the forum.
Posted By: ceadmin Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 03:02 PM
Glad to hear everyone is alright.

We had a tornado touch the outside of our town (this is twice in 6 months, the previous one, took out a 1/3 of the town). Ironically, the last one hit a block away and no damage. This one was on the outskirts but the winds managed to rip down a 1/3 of my maple, relocated all deck furniture including grill into the neighbors yard, pushed my boat against my garage and snapped my flag pole in half.

I wish I also had a basement in this old house. Next home, no exception.
Posted By: Matt Clark Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 04:12 PM
Wow folks. I'm in S.E. Iowa and we had those tremendous straight line winds...maybe 50-60 mph. I stood on the front porch to finish my smoke like an idiot...then was afraid to open the door once it started and go inside. Figured it'd get ripped outta my hands. That north facing porch got real wet, but kept me outta the majority of the wind. Carhartts were pretty well soaked in those 15 minutes.

We got 0.6" in that short time...sorry for all your damage and just glad none of you were hurt or worse. Feel pretty bad about those other poor souls...
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 04:19 PM
Where's Robinson? He lives in Tenneesee that got hit really hard. Maybe his power is out and that is the only reason he's not on here.
Posted By: Brettski Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/04/06 05:18 PM
...something tells me Robinson could go out on the front porch, huff and puff, and blow a twister into the next county. I could be wrong, but doubt it; testament to his constitution. ;\) \:D
Posted By: Bob-O Re: Pic's of Tornado damage - 04/05/06 07:15 PM
I'm hopin them twisters did'nt deposit any GG in his pond.
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