Pond Boss
Posted By: newpondguy may have new problem part II - 03/31/06 11:11 PM
Ok I figured Id start a new thread. hope thats ok. old thread is a couple of days back tittled "may have new problem"
So, I had a talk with my nieghbor. after a sincere apology he explains just what he did. turns out he put in 3 spotted bass (NOT ROCK BASS)and one lil one pound lmb. Ive caught the lmb. trying my best to get the 3 spotted bass out. now I've got more problems, I left 3 cane poles with minnows out last night hoping these 3 sotted transgressors would choke on them and go to fishy heaven.
This morning we pull up to the pond and to our surprise "SATAN" in the form of a 35lb allagator snapping turtle (on the end of a 10 yr old canepole stuck in the mud with 10 yr old string tied on) has made himself at home in my pond and is obviously willing to bite me for the right to stay in it. This was a really "ANGRY" animal and Im sure in my heart JESUS is dissappointed in the way he scared me and my brother. So im thinking ok Its probably good we have formaly met and now you must go. KNOW THIS!!! ALLAGATOR SNAPPING TURTLES IN THE 35lb RANGE WILL COME FOR YOU AND ATTACK YOU. This is now fact. They do jump and lunge and im not sure cause of all the hissing but I think its head turned all the way around. Anyway under extreme protest he has been removed and now lives in A big lake down the road.
OK another new potential problem. Any Idea what kinda bird lays an egg on the edge of the water with no nest. ALLMOST as big as a chicken egg, And has a big 3 toed footprint bout the size of a turkey? Sure hope its a turkey! Not something I wanted to worry bout ya know? Now for my pond to be 3 months old sure looks like somebody beside my nieghbor doesnt want me to have any fish. I havent seen ANY of my 1000 bg or 1000 fh minnows. Water is 65 degres now but havent seen anything hit the top of the water. NOTHING. Maybe ole satan had them hid under a brush pile tucked into the fetal position. Wouldnt surprise me thats what he made me want to do.
Is the fact that I have 3 spotted bass and not rock bass something I should be more concerned
about. Or should I focus on this new terradactile
that obviously likes my pond? Surely Turtles are'nt going to make a big impact are they? I know snappers have a tounge like a worm and all but really how much fish could they eat?
And I aint seeing the first bream or fh minnow. \:\( Now if these spotted bass spawn before I put my 100 little 2 inch TIGER BASS baby's in in June, what kinda "corrective stocking" nightmare could I be looking at down the road? hmmm. thnx for any thoughts and if my rooky questions are getting old, sorry , my name says it all. thnx guys
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: may have new problem part II - 03/31/06 11:33 PM
Originally posted by newpondguy:
Ok I figured Id start a new thread. hope thats ok. old thread is a couple of days back tittled "may have new problem"
So, I had a talk with my nieghbor. after a sincere apology he explains just what he did. turns out he put in 3 spotted bass (NOT ROCK BASS)and one lil one pound lmb. Ive caught the lmb. trying my best to get the 3 spotted bass out. now I've got more problems, I left 3 cane poles with minnows out last night hoping these 3 sotted transgressors would choke on them and go to fishy heaven.
This morning we pull up to the pond and to our surprise "SATAN" in the form of a 35lb allagator snapping turtle (on the end of a 10 yr old canepole stuck in the mud with 10 yr old string tied on) has made himself at home in my pond and is obviously willing to bite me for the right to stay in it. This was a really "ANGRY" animal and Im sure in my heart JESUS is dissappointed in the way he scared me and my brother. So im thinking ok Its probably good we have formaly met and now you must go. KNOW THIS!!! ALLAGATOR SNAPPING TURTLES IN THE 35lb RANGE WILL COME FOR YOU AND ATTACK YOU. This is now fact. They do jump and lunge and im not sure cause of all the hissing but I think its head turned all the way around. Anyway under extreme protest he has been removed and now lives in A big lake down the road.
OK another new potential problem. Any Idea what kinda bird lays an egg on the edge of the water with no nest. ALLMOST as big as a chicken egg, And has a big 3 toed footprint bout the size of a turkey? Sure hope its a turkey! Not something I wanted to worry bout ya know? Now for my pond to be 3 months old sure looks like somebody beside my nieghbor doesnt want me to have any fish. I havent seen ANY of my 1000 bg or 1000 fh minnows. Water is 65 degres now but havent seen anything hit the top of the water. NOTHING. Maybe ole satan had them hid under a brush pile tucked into the fetal position. Wouldnt surprise me thats what he made me want to do.
Is the fact that I have 3 spotted bass and not rock bass something I should be more concerned
about. Or should I focus on this new terradactile
that obviously likes my pond? Surely Turtles are'nt going to make a big impact are they? I know snappers have a tounge like a worm and all but really how much fish could they eat?
And I aint seeing the first bream or fh minnow. \:\( Now if these spotted bass spawn before I put my 100 little 2 inch TIGER BASS baby's in in June, what kinda "corrective stocking" nightmare could I be looking at down the road? hmmm. thnx for any thoughts and if my rooky questions are getting old, sorry , my name says it all. thnx guys
:D \:D \:D I'd use a laughing emoticon but there isn't one available. Forget about the pond you need to be a comedy writer!
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: may have new problem part II - 04/01/06 12:19 AM
Break or maybe eat the egg. No problem.

That turtle couldn't be much of a problem unless he mistakes your toe for a fish.

You ought to be seeing fatheads along the shoreline. Is there anyway you can seine a part of this thing? I don't figure you have a problem with 3 lousy bass. You ought to be seeing some fish activity.
Posted By: burgermeister Re: may have new problem part II - 04/01/06 04:58 AM
I agree with Cecil. Very vivid explanation. Have you thrown any feed out? With the heat these next few days, they should feed.
Posted By: newpondguy Re: may have new problem part II - 04/01/06 01:11 PM
will be throwing some feed this week to see.
also going to try and round up a net. If things dont look good ill holla back. thnx
Posted By: h20fwlkillr Re: may have new problem part II - 04/01/06 06:19 PM
That egg you found is probably from a duck. Young hens will sometimes not nest and just drop eggs here and there.
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