Pond Boss
Posted By: Rowly Hey Cecil Read This Ontario YP Record!!! - 05/03/05 12:27 PM
Enjoyed reading your catch of a large perch from one of your ponds! I was reviewing a old Ontario Out of Doors Mag. from April 2004 and they had a new official Ontario record yellow perch pic weighing 2.42 lbs caught on March 20, 2003 near Welland , Ont.. The previous record was 2.25 lbs taken from Lake Erie as well in June 1995. The pic showed the perch measured by a ruler of over 15 1/2" tail to nose and full of eggs. I thought you might be interested. Hey, Bill C., its that Lake Erie genetics I was talking about. Enjoy.

Rowly - With the correct amount of food they will do equally well in your small lake.
Yes that is an nice one too. Mine would be that big if I cut it in half! \:D
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