Pond Boss
Posted By: Bill Duggan Deer season - 10/12/04 02:26 PM
Anyone else hunt on their property. Deer season(firearms) start this weekend in Georgia which means my pond is now off limits to my family for the season. We will have a big fish fry friday night for my hunting buddies, fried catfish, hush puppies, cheese grits and cole slaw.
Cool weather, football, fishing, hunting, you got to love this time of year in the South
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Deer season - 10/12/04 04:19 PM
Yeah, I hunt mine. Deer season in Texas starts the first weekend in November. Bow season has already started. It means that the 4 wheelers don't get used until 2005. Those things scare too many deer.

I reserve opening weekend for my wife and I. However, this year, my 5 year old Grandson gets to go. He takes his BB gun and I take my 30-06. He gets the first shot and if he just wounds one, I have to finish it off.
Posted By: Rowly Re: Deer season - 10/12/04 04:25 PM
Bill, I also bow hunt on my 42 ac. property. Behind my 19 ac lake and 4 ac bean field I have approx. 5 ac of bush attached to the neighbors A. 10 ac. of bush totally approx 15 acres as the woodlots jump from farm to farm along a major hwy like your interstate hwy. There are no gullies close by so the deer travel from bush lot to bush lot. The only problem with mine is that the deer use my area as a bedding area inside the core, therefore I hunt the perimeter away from this sensitive area. Best of luck as I will start soon, once all my little projects are completed.

Posted By: Eastland Re: Deer season - 10/12/04 11:28 PM
I hunt mine, shot my first turkey with a bow last weekend, nice thrill. Deer are still traveling at night...it will take some cool weather and the rut to bring them out during daylight. I couldn't care less about spooking them by fishing...I have been fishing on the bank, and run "eye to eye" with them, as long as they aren't shot at, they don't become too skittish of my pea patch and feeders \:D
Posted By: Norm Kopecky Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 12:00 AM
We hunt ours also but not for deer, for pheasants. This weekend is the opening of pheasant season. We have 50 acres in the Conservation Reserve Program with 3-4 ft. high native grasses and wildflowers. Lots of pheasants. Lots of deer also and I view them as a pest since they love to eat our 4.5 acres of young shelterbelt trees.
Posted By: Haus Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 02:32 PM
We bought our 130 ac place 40 of that is heavy forest 3 years ago from some folks that never let anyone hunt this property in over 60 years, needles to say the turkey and dear population is thick and some what tame. It’s unusual to go a day or two and not see dear or turkey around my pond in the front yard but in the last two months nothing, no turkeys or dear, it has me scratching my head.
Posted By: Svoberts Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 05:32 PM
Hey, Norm, I bet you could find some willing "pest control agents" if you just ask!
Posted By: Buzz Tatom Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 07:09 PM
We hunt the deer and turkey on our place. I have more trouble deciding between fishing and hunting in the spring. It is hard to be on the lake catching fish and have gobbles right over the dam calling you to come hunt them.
Posted By: Steve Young Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 08:17 PM
We hunt ours as well and try to manage for the critters as much as the fish. Every field, road edge, etc. is planted with something specifically for the deer, turkeys, waterfowl. Unfortunately, the more I watch them, the less I enjoy eating them, but it hasn't stopped me yet.
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 08:23 PM
Bill, I have no friends who get to hunt. I have a lot of people who ask if I have deer and if I allow hunting. I usually tell them to come and take a look and that I could use some help the coming weekend clearing rocks out of a field or building fence. It never fails that they already have plans for every weekend for the rest of their lives. No further requests.

The only exception is people who have children. I have a real soft spot for kids, even those with lazy parents.
Posted By: Bill Duggan Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 09:14 PM
Dave I hunt with three guys I grew up with, they are great about helping out when I need it
Posted By: Norm Kopecky Re: Deer season - 10/13/04 10:57 PM
Around here, pheasant hunting is sacred, deer hunting is not. If there is a big buck, people are interested but does are a dime a dozen.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/17/04 03:13 PM
dave, how's the little "pardner" doing?!! reminds me of my dad letting me finish off the deer with my bb gun when i was a kid!! i'm like you, love to see kids hunt and fish. kept me out of trouble, probably would keep most kids out of trouble. one of my nephews killed his first turkey with me (after we had heard owls hoot that morning, deer walk out in front of us, and strutting turkeys for about an hour), my other nephew caught his first fish with me. wonderful feeling, and i bet they will be like us someday, passing this on to their youngins'

I killed my biggest deer ever 150 yards behind my pond dam. it's muzzleloading season now in arkansas, and it sure is nice to walk outside my front door and fish or walk shortly into the woods and hunt (we dove hunt also right in the back pasture). only problem is, the little dog freaks out and barks...then momma ain't happy, and game is over. and as someone said before on this site, "if momma ain't happy, ain't nooooobbboooodddyyy happy!!"

My place does not provide the best of everything, but it allows me some of almost everything, allowing me to stay close to home and my family. i still occasionally get up 2 hours early to get to my old spot, but then that is an entire day event away from the family.

Something neat yesterday. sitting in my climbing deer stand way on up in a tree behind my dam. then here come the geese in for a landing, not far above my head; beautiful (until you step in their crap).

Posted By: LBuck Re: Deer season - 10/18/04 06:22 PM
I have 80 acres of CRP with fabulous pheasant hunting and am regularly visited by 4X4 bucks. The roosters taunt me every morning when I go to work. Season doesn't start for 2 wks. yet! I also have the occasional woodcock. Anybody else have these on their property?
Posted By: Svoberts Re: Deer season - 10/18/04 07:24 PM
I have 80 acres of pasture and ponds in N. OK. Probably the best pheasant population in Oklahoma around me, lots of roosters cackling. Also been hearing a lot of quail whistle as well. Deer haven't really shown up yet, but the next big project is turning 40 acres of so-so wheat ground into tall grass and Forestry department trees. Deer come around occasionally, but not nearly as often as I would like. I had a lot more when there was milo there to draw them in. I did plant some alfalfa this year to try to start bringing them back, only alf. for about 4 or 5 miles. You're lucky, our season doesn't open on pheasants until 1 DEC! Have to settle for blackpowder season this weekend.
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Deer season - 10/19/04 02:35 PM
Mark, my five year old "Parner" is ready to go. He told me the other day that we need to clean his BB gun to increase accuracy. I have a deer archery target that he is practicing on.

How's the new "lady of the house"?
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/20/04 02:31 AM
dave, the new little lady of the house is doing great. thanks for asking. luckily, she looks like her mother! i'm not sure whether she cried "aaahhhhhhh" today or "bbaaaaassssss". i'm hoping it was the "bbaaaaaassss". we'll see!!!

well, since i had my time to shine, i will now let SVOBERTS (shawn) shine..... he and his wife are expecting...a peanut..according to the pics! 8 weeks, they look like a peanut! anyway, they are 8 weeks along, and i'm sure he's is as excited as i was/am. so congrats shawn, and keep us all posted. i'm sure shawn would be glad to send anyone the ultrasound pic if you just ask him to!! Lord willing, everything will turn out great.

well, i hope everyone is doing well. i have a suggestion BOB LUSK. can we put together a directory of (participating) members locations and numbers/emails, and corresponding dots on a map. that way, if we travel near that member, we can contact them and visit/correspond. all participants may be subject to a psychiatric background check however!! or maybe even an interactive program, where the member types in starting point and destination/route. then can choose 25 miles, 50, 75, 100, etc miles off route. then that route is shown, with nearby members according to distance off route. just a thought.

another thing that could be listed in that directory are participating members that may be willing to swap hunts/fishing trips etc. for instance, ol' NORM up there may want to come down here to arkansas and go small mouth fishing or float the buffalo river, or take his family/kids/grandkids out on the lake skiing. i may want to come up there and go pheasant hunting or kill some of his deer pests. the problem we might get into is... maybe NORM K only has 2 pheasant on his place, and i travel all that way and find out he was blowing hot air!! of course, NORM could always invite me up there and prove to me that his place is loaded with pheasants!!!! haha mark
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: Deer season - 10/20/04 03:21 AM
ilovefishingmark! If you're en route somewhere and need a quick quail hunt I've got about two hundred birds that don't know what a gun looks like. I'm too busy coming up with creative new ways to kill my fish. \:\(
Posted By: Svoberts Re: Deer season - 10/20/04 01:29 PM
Yes, it is true, my wife and I have finally mastered the spawning ritual and are expecting our little fingerling in May. Thanks for the kind words, Mark. I'm sure I'll be asking all the fathers around here for advice before too long. (How do you get a PBJ sandwich cleaned out of tacklebox?)

I like the sounds of a directory of sorts. Purely voluntary, put my name in. In fact, I would even be willing to get things started with an Excel spreadsheet. I think eventually we could link addresses with Mapquest or something. I'll work on that in the next couple of days.

Good luck to all the deer hunters, I know seasons are in full swing all over the place!
Posted By: Norm Kopecky Re: Deer season - 10/20/04 11:16 PM
ilovefishingmark, we don't even have to trade, just give me a call! Might even be a fish or two in the lake.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/21/04 07:47 PM
one of these days i'd like to swing over to oklahoma and see shawn/svoberts soon to be baby,then on up to Nebraska and hang out with bruce and catch a few (oh...and i got this tooth pain right here was wondering if...ha, don't ya just love it when people do that?!!), then on up to NOOORRRRMMM's and shoot whatever moves!!

That would be great if we could get a map-dot associated directory going.

Oh, I had the opportunity to meet the famous...Bob Lusk (and his wonderful wife and little yorkie). If anyone can, and you are down in Texas land, you ought to meet this feller. I think everyone can tell by the tone set on this website that it is a family/clean website. Bob really is a neat feller, and i can see why the website is the way it is.

Shawn, you'll see... someday , out of no where, you will get encouraging words of advice from Bob, and some of the thoughts from Dave D. have been incredible, too. This site really does have a supportive, family, clean atmosphere, and i'm glad to be part of it. oh, can't forget ol Dudley Landrey... wise person. Shawn, I'm sure when you let everyone know when your little baby is born, you will see (even more so), how great the folks on this site are. Those old folks (ha) get to reflect on their experiences, and we get to learn from them!!! ha... Wait till you hear the "pardner" story from Dave D. (i may have saved it, and if he doesn't mind i will forward his email to you)

well, just some thought for the day; mark
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Deer season - 10/21/04 11:08 PM
I did this last year. I met Shawn Banks used to post more like I did. I gave him pond advie and he let me hunt on family land in Missouri. Also JBrockey and his son Scott came down to GA from VA to provide free labor on my shock boat. I just got back from shocking his pond since I was only 3 hrs away in NC. That is a great idea! BTW I shot three does with my bow last weekend and saw a shooter the cold weather was great for deer movement.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/21/04 11:47 PM
greg, how the heck have ya been? i'm seeing a lot of does also, but haven't shot a buck this season. i'll email you some pics of some bucks in my back yard about a month ago...of course, they are hiding pretty tight in the woods now.

next time you go see shawn banks, i'm right near the missouri border, so come on by.

norm, i tried to give you a good rating, but you are unrateable man!! mark
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Deer season - 10/22/04 01:42 PM
Hey Greg, nice to see that business is slowing down enough for you to have some fun. Deer season opens here in a couple of weeks. As usual, its been in the 90's. However, we're getting a cold spell thru for the next week. Will only be in the lo 80's. There's something obscene about sitting out watching deer and butterflies. We have a youth hunting weekend in Texas the weekend before the season opener. I have a durn good 14 year old coming. Looking forward to the kids more than anything else.

You guys have fun and stay safe. Just remember. Most accidents during hunting season involve someone falling out of a tree or stumbling and getting bruised up or bones broken.

Mark, I think the neatest thing I have ever heard is your statement about working real hard to be the kind of Dad your little girl deserves. You'll be OK.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Deer season - 10/22/04 07:16 PM
Keep me informed about the youth hunts. I love reading them. My wife and I have been trying to have a child going on 4 years. It will happen but I wish it was here. I can hardly wait to take my son or dughter into the great outdoors. Until then I must carry on this dream through your stories, so let me know how the young 'uns are doing.

Mark send the buck pictures. I will have to figure out to attach a picture if I get the big one. My wife said that I like telling the deer stories more than the hunting.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/23/04 06:13 PM
Greg, your wife figured us out!!! smart gal

also, my wife and i were in Lamaz class with a couple who got pregnant after 13 years of trying, without fancy intervention!!! it was really neat to see their excitement. i hope someday you get to experience the joy as we have. of course, if you really want to experience it thru our stories, come up here and stay with us sometime. you can get up and change her a few times at night, now we're talkin' !!!! no, really, it's worth it. hang in there. i'll also send you some buck pics soon, and baby pics of course!! mark
Posted By: Dudley Landry Re: Deer season - 10/23/04 10:42 PM
he he he How well I remember those nights!! Enjoy, Gentlemen, enjoy! Too soon these will be "the days that are no more".
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Deer season - 10/24/04 12:48 AM
Greg, did anyone ever talk to you about the complications caused by wading around in cold, crotch deep water? Just kidding. Actually, I don't think I ever did any good when I/we tried to have a kid. Quit trying and I can be contagious immediately.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Deer season - 10/24/04 10:48 PM
My wife likes for me to wade in cold water it is supposed to help ;\) I hear you, too much pressure but the wife even though 35 thinks she is 45. It will happen soon and thanks for you thoughts.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/25/04 01:36 AM
dave, greg, dudley, ... i love those posts...my wife catches me laughing, and just can't understand why!!! in all seriousness, greg, who knows what will happen. i would like to mention, that i have an adopted brother. i was the fourth child. then my parents adopted mike, or to us, little "mIk E!!!" we adopted him from birth. he is a CPA. doing great. we are all dark skinned, and mike is red headed and freckle faced. in all of our summer pictures, we are really dark; mike has all of his zinc oxide and sunscreen all over his body.. like an oreo cookie!!! we are all aggressive, anal retentive, type A personalities, probably stroke out by the age of 40. mike: type B, laid back, nothing bothers him, a reader, very intelligent, probably live to a hundred!!! we are Brothers, and no questions asked. although i am 5 feet and 8.22266644 inches tall, and he is 6 feet 1 inch and red headed, he is still my "little" brother. adoption is an option; i'm glad my parents adopted my brother; life wouldn't be the same without him. mark

p.s. another funny story... a few years ago, mike couldn't understand what the big fuss was about "buck fever" then i put him in my primo stand. a huge buck came near him, he aimed to shoot; but was so excited (buck fever) he didn't have the 30-06 seated on his shoulder correctly, and when he fired, the scope busted his face!!! i heard a shot, went to see him and his face was all bloody!! i said, "what the heck happened to ya little buddy (big buddy!), and he said..."well, i know what buck fever is now!!" Was a great day. mark
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: Deer season - 10/25/04 01:44 AM
oh, and p.s. dave, what exactly do you mean by..."contagious"!!!! ha; oh, and well you send svoberts (shawn) that email you sent me about "pardner". that meant a lot to me, and i think he would enjoy it too since he is about to be a new father. mark
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Deer season - 10/25/04 10:57 AM
Mark, I'll post it here under a new thread. "Outdoor Kids." Maybe others will chime in about their own kids, grandkids or outdoor memories from looking through their rear view mirror.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Deer season - 11/04/04 11:33 AM
Headin'out to Missouri in the morning. We leased some land and I will go by and spent sometime with Sahun Banks as well. WIsh me luck! And I will post pics of I stick one of these MO monsters.

BTW Duggan did you join Georgia Outdoor Network, yet? I helped with their banquet for our district last night. We raised a good bit of money to help local kids get into hunting and fishing. ALso you qualitfy for a Truck for best buck and only compete with folks in your district but can kill it anywhere in the state. IN my district no one has submitted a deer. A spike could win if this keeps up. If the big boy does not show by late NOv. I might have to shot the 100" 8pt I kept letting walk.
Posted By: Svoberts Re: Deer season - 11/04/04 03:24 PM
It was the best of hunts, it was the worst of hunts.... My father in law and I went deer hunting TOGETHER last weekend (third time in as many years). The first time he took me to his "Trophy" lease was about two months before I proposed to his daughter, the other time was just a week prior to this hunt. Anyway, we hunt out of an elevated plywood blind, overlooking an old dry lakebed full of rutting deer. Finally, about 6:30 (last shooting light at 7:15) we saw the gnarly old buck we were looking for. Thick mainbeam right side with 6-7 points typical, left side was a tall fork with about a 10 inch browtine/third antler. I managed to call it in from over 200 yards away with my M.A.D. Grunt/Snort/Wheeze call to about 80 yards, but the booger stood straight at us and started to smell us. We counted down and took ugly brisket shots at the same time. Saw it run off over a half a mile across the wheatfield, never really slowing down.
The best part was the story we have to tell and the time we spent together. We got some decent video of the deer and had a great "bonding" time. Worst part is we never found the deer. After looking for 5 hours the next day, we found one single drop of blood over a half a mile away when he jumped another fence. Evidence at the place where he was standing showed a small strip of skin and hair, probably where we grazed him. Lesson learned. Countdowns to a simultaneous shot leads to jerked triggers and misses, head on shots are bad shots and leave little margin for error. Still glad I got the chance to hang out with "Jimbo."
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