Pond Boss
Posted By: bowtiebubba New guy with his first pond - 08/16/04 06:53 PM
I found this site about a week ago and it was exactly what i was looking for. Seems there is a lot of knowledgeable folks here and i have no idea what im doing and could use some advice. If my questions seem stupid go easy on me.
So here goes
My pond was built last month,it is about an acre and a half, 20 feet deep at the dam.
1.I think i would like to aerate it with a windmill. What size would i need and how many diffusers would it take? Are their any brand that is better than others? What do you recommend?

2.Does anyone have any suggestions on building artificial fish structure? Any web sites for ideas?

3.What is the procedure for seeding the pond dam and what do you suggest to use?
4.Tips or ideas on building a dock?
Thanks Guys
Posted By: Christopher Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/16/04 06:58 PM
man... this site hold's tha keys to all and every question you have.. just take time to search through the topics.. i've seen posts on pros/cons of windmill areation, a crapload on structure, building docks, and seeding shoreline... click on the search button and just type in structure or windmill areation, or flaoting docks...

good luck bowtie!

Posted By: Bob Koerber Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/16/04 07:00 PM
Welcome Bubba. You can click on my link to my homepage and see how I built my dock using 4 inch PVC pipe filled with concrete for pilings. I sunk several hollowed logs courtesy of our local carpenter ants into the pond and they sunk after a couple of weeks.

Posted By: Svoberts Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/16/04 07:03 PM
A few quick answers:
1. No stupid questions. We all gotta learn.
2. This site has a search function. We (members of the forum) are asking for a site wide search, but right now you have to search catagory by catagory. There are lots of posts asking the same questions. (With Answers!)
3. In the past couple of weeks, I've seen either hydro-seeding, broadcast seeding, and mulch seeding (Roll and Grow) for the pond dam. Much depends on your budget.
4. Lots on aeration. Take a look at that section.
5. Docks. Lots of opinions, depends on a full pond or empty pond. Floating docks are easy, but unstable if not built right. Ready made floating docks can be pricey.
6. Structure can be anything from a pile of rocks to sunken cars. Tires, dead trees, etc. seem to work well.
Subscribe to the magazine, buy the books, and keep tuned to the site.

Hope this gets you started. Welcome to Pond Boss!
Posted By: bowtiebubba Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/17/04 02:56 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies, im going to start using the search function today to see what i can find out.
Bob, i checked your web site and like your idea for the pvc pipe for the dock. My pond is still dry where the dock will be so it will be a little easier to put in now. I checked the price on the pvc and around here it is 2.00 a foot,im going to see what the price on steel pipe is before i decide what to use. I guess a stationary dock would be cheaper to build than a floating dock.
Thanks again
Posted By: Coach B Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/17/04 03:13 PM
I just finished setting the posts on my dock. I went with 10 and 12 foot 4x4 treated posts. I set em 2 feet in the ground with an 80lb bag of concrete on each one. The walkway will be 5 feet wide and the posts are spaced at 6 feet. Not cheap, but less expensive than anything else I could do on my own. I think you will find that steel prices have recently gone thru the roof. I also like Bob's pvc idea, but just couldn't figure out how to make it work for my spot.
Posted By: Bob Koerber Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/17/04 03:45 PM
Hey Bubba that seems a little high, I got mine at Home Depot for about 9.00 a 10 ft length and then cut them into a 6 and a 4 ft length to use for the supports. I used the foam filled sewer pipe but I'm sure thinwall sewage would work just as good as the concrete and rebar give it the support and might be cheaper.

Posted By: bowtiebubba Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/17/04 03:53 PM
The price i got was on schedule 40 pvc. My problem is the posts that are the farthest out will need to be longer than the 10 footers so i think the next step up is 20 feet. I havent checked home depot yet.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/18/04 02:37 AM
bowtie, love the name. first of all, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people!!!!

why do you want to use a windmill aerator? if you have electricity, i would get an electric aerator, more predictable. nothing like having an emergency areation need and trying to blow on that windmill!!

second. bermuda grass seems to be the seed of choice around ponds. spreads nicely and prevents erosion nicely. however, this time of the year better put it down pretty quickly and hope for rain, or water it. or late next spring put out some bermuda sod or seed and let it spread out. contractors mix or rye is a quick fix. winter wheat was my choice as a quick fix, also attracted dove and deer.

third, oh yeah, welcome to this great site.

fourth, did you subscribe to the magazine and order "the books". they are a great help, along with this site. have fun, it is amazing what you will learn as you experiment with your pond. but don't be afraid to ask questions first!! mark (ilovefishingmark)
Posted By: bowtiebubba Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/18/04 04:13 PM
Thanks for the welcome.
I agree the electric aerator is a better way to go, but i would have to run electricity about 500 feet to the pond and i imagine that would get pretty expensive.
I talked to a guy that is just getting started in the landscape business said he would fertilize,seed, and straw the dam for 500.00, me supplying the straw. Does that sound reasonable?
Posted By: bowtiebubba Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/18/04 04:16 PM
Oh yeah, im going to subscribe to the magazine, ive got a feeling im going to need all the help i can get.
Posted By: Meadowlark Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/18/04 06:50 PM

Reference to your comment about running electricity 500 ft...I had the same problem and following the Pond Boss Board advice, ran an underground airline 500 feet to the pond instead. It is absolutely no problem for my compressor to push air that far and it is very inexpensive to lay the tubing or pvc pipe in the ground to the pond site. Electric Aeration is a very good thing.

One other observation, if you are in the South, you can establish bahia grass as your ground cover by simply scattering bales of bahia hay over your barren surfaces. It is much easier to establish than bermuda seed although not as pleasing to look at. In my area it is also much more drought tolerant.
Posted By: bowtiebubba Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/18/04 09:41 PM
Could you give me the particulars on what you used as far as airline,airline size, and compressor type and size. Where did you put your compressor and does it maks a lot of noise?
Posted By: Randy H. Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/19/04 12:11 AM
Bowtie (love the name) Here is a link that has a couple of pictures of the floating dock I built a few weeks ago.
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: New guy with his first pond - 08/19/04 02:58 AM
bowtie, i would agree with meadowlark. push the electrical line as far as you can, then run the compressor line. i have heard a compressor, and not loud at all, especially if a little ways away from your house and if in a quieting device such as a stone like cover offered by various companies. i don't know anything about the grass that meadowlark mentioned, but check with him in relation to where you are. i'm in arkansas, and that is the only input i can offer. bermuda seed, "common bermuda" is about 100 bucks for fifty pounds. doesn't seem to go far, but eventually it will spread around!! "sprigging"...plugs of bermuda grass that you space out is an option. don't know much about it though. mark
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