Pond Boss
Posted By: Jim Hudson Beavers and Otters - 03/29/04 06:02 PM
A few years ago, beavers had gotten to be a problem on my and adjoining property. The county had trappers come in for a couple weeks and the beavers disappeared. I've had otters in my pond also. Now the beavers are back. I've heard otters can eat a lot of fish. I know otters are playful critters but I also want to get my pond in shape for my grandson to catch fish. Any comments?
Posted By: Fletch Re: Beavers and Otters - 03/29/04 08:47 PM
I had a huge problem with otters. I ordered some conibear traps off the internet and had good success. be sure to order the tool to help set the trap. i found that if i set the trap on their slidew and piled brush on the left and right of the trap it worked best.
Posted By: Fletch Re: Beavers and Otters - 03/29/04 08:58 PM
try this website

Posted By: Rangersedge Re: Beavers and Otters - 03/29/04 11:01 PM
I've also heard that otters eat a lot of fish.

Be sure to check your local regulations and then start researching trapping. Trapping can be an interesting and educational activity that benefits wildlife.

Posted By: Fletch Re: Beavers and Otters - 03/30/04 02:50 PM
that is something i forgot to mention you should check local rules and regs you may need a license.
Posted By: Buzz Tatom Re: Beavers and Otters - 03/30/04 08:49 PM
We have the county agent come every year and he gets rid of all of them and usually by the time he is back the next year we are seeing sign or have actually seen beaver. This year 3 months after he left we have one cute guy that is doing a tremendous amount of damage very quickly. We hate to do it but we dispose of them at dawn or dusk when they are active. I don't think there are any regs or at least our county agent has not told of any. It is a shame but man they will do damage as well as make sharp sticks that can really hurt a dog or a man.
Posted By: Ric Swaim Re: Beavers and Otters - 04/01/04 02:25 AM
Otters are fun to watch until you relize they are eating all your fish!
An otter or otters will eat EVERY fish in your pond if allowed to do so!
Posted By: BrianC Re: Beavers and Otters - 04/01/04 03:46 AM
Get you a scoped 22 rifle and have some fun if you don't have any neighbors close by.
Posted By: jdmcalf Re: Beavers and Otters - 04/03/04 04:25 PM
I just finished off a muskrat last night. They as well are very distructive. Lots of fun to hunt and relaxing. I get a 12 pak of beer sit in my pickup with a 410 (Steel shot) and wait for them to come up in the evening. You need to control them.
Posted By: Fletch Re: Beavers and Otters - 04/06/04 02:52 PM
jim i am in San Marcos I can lend a hand if need be.
Posted By: Jim Hudson Re: Beavers and Otters - 04/06/04 03:48 PM
Thanks Fletch. My friend who lives near my place in East Texas says he hasn't seen any new signs since he "scared" a couple. I didn't realize otters could eat as much fish as they apparently do. We also tore the beaver dam away and they have not tried to build it back. Before, they would build dams back almost as fast as we could tear them out. Thanks again, I may call on you.
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