Pond Boss
Posted By: Pottsy I observe that there is a new site... - 01/13/04 07:16 PM
Indeed new graphics and everything... how fancy. ;\)
Quite innovative; and everyone thought Lusk was just a pretty face.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/14/04 02:20 AM
Fresh make-up looks nice once in a while. I also like the modified word processing features. Good job Bob & others.

US mail is slow with delivery of PBoss magazine; Jan-Feb still has not arrived in Ohio after being mailed on Jan 02. Issue finally arrived Jan 23. George Bush's mail carriers must have let the mag lying around in some distribution center somewhere. Maybe they were reading it!
Loved the lipstick, Bob! Just what shade is that?
Changed the hairpiece too, I see!
Many thanks for all of this, Bob.
Bob great new format, however I'm running a 10MB/s connection and it takes forever to load all those images. There are like 70 per page. I love the format of it, but the designers should have made it for quick loading.

Posted By: Bob Lusk Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/14/04 01:19 PM
Thanks for the kind words and suggestions. The lipstick is mauve, makeup is kiwi, hairpiece is potomogeton and the breath is onion.
Regarding loading time, I had a similar situation with my computer. I'll e-mail our webmaster and ask him to read this thread.
Wild Bill...if you don't get your magazine within a few more days, e-mail me, and I'll ask Nicole to send another, first class mail
Posted By: Sunil Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/14/04 05:43 PM
I didn't get my issue yet here in Western PA. But I'm looking forward to it.

Also, at my home computer, the old home page comes up, but at the office, the new home page comes up.

No big deal right now.

I got mine a few days ago here in Indiana Bill! You could drive over and read it but you can't have it. LOL
Posted By: Tuzz Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/14/04 06:09 PM
I have noticed slow loading even with a broad band connection. Too fancy a web site looses people as they give up if it takes too long to load. They need to optimize the graphics. I noticed that the pond boss cover takes a long time to load as it is made of many small segments. I create web pages and know there are tricks and ways to make sure you have a rich media site without such slow load times.
Posted By: Tuzz Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/14/04 06:27 PM
I just looked at the web source code of the home page. Now I see the problem..... Even the text is a graphic and there are lots and lots of little graphics that add up to too much download. Why the white text is many small garphics files and the cover page is lots of small graphics files I can't imagine. Other than the fancy text this page could have been done with standard web fonts and th front cover could have been done as one file. That would make for a much faster loading page. I feel sorry for those who still have dial up access only.
Tuzz what kind of stuff can you do? Know php or other scripting languages? I agree with you...basics webfonts would have worked perfectly. Go to the designer's webpage...the link is located at bottom left of the main pondboss page. There own site is like that-made of tiny little graphics. While it does simplify the coding by not using tables, it puts a blow to the bandwidth and loading time of the site.

Posted By: Anonymous Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/19/04 09:02 PM
Just wanted to let you know that our webmaster has made some changes that should reduce the load time. We hope that this helps to speed things up.
Posted By: Tuzz Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/21/04 11:53 AM
Nicole...Still too much graphics on the home page. It is better but has a way to go. I would make the magazine cover 1 image instead of the 20 that it is now. Loading those 20 small images takes much longer than loading 1 compressed one. All the other graphics on the side should be minimized or eliminated.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: I observe that there is a new site... - 01/21/04 10:20 PM
Thanks for the input. I will pass on your suggestion and see what can be done.
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