Pond Boss
Posted By: Tom D How much to pay neighbor - 09/15/03 08:31 PM
My neighbor works at a sand mine and offered to bring home a track hoe and dig my pond. he did this last weekend. I paid the deliver and pick up fee for the low boy transportion. he worked 10 hours and says it's a favor but I want to pay him something. Any ideas? The going rate here for machine and operator is $85/hr.
Next weekend he is going to bring home a D5 Cat and distribute the soil. Will want to pay for that too. What a neighbor!
Posted By: Jason N. Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/15/03 08:42 PM
Sounds like an open invitation to fish may be in order. Sometimes people are funny about taking money for help. You could buy him and the wife a gift certificate to a nice chop house in town, or get him a decent fishing rod and reel for the help.
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/15/03 10:00 PM
You might check on the rental price of the equipment or the operator price and pay something that way. However, be careful about offering money. You may insult the Good Samaritan. Figure out what he likes and help him that way.

On the other hand, I've gotten cautious about free help. It sometimes comes with strings attached.
Posted By: Sunil Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/15/03 11:07 PM
Hey Tom,

Up here in Somerset, PA, I was paying about $500/8hr. day for an operator and back hoe/dozer. While both the back hoe and dozer were on-site for the duration, I was only billed for which piece of equipment the operator was using at any given time during the billable day.

I also did pay the pick up and deliver which I believe was about $100 total.

I think these rate were cheap compared to what these guys got done for me.

Your neighbor sounds very generous with his time as he's spending 10 hours one day and will spend more time next week. That could be a heavy "favor" to repay when he calls that chip in. Then again, the neighbor could just be a super stand-up guy/girl that loves doing that kind of stuff.

I would try to tactfully, but clearly, pay him something & if he'd only accept a few hundred bucks, maybe augment it with a gift/gift certificate as others suggested.
Posted By: Ric Swaim Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/16/03 12:58 AM
I understand the skeptics not trusting someone wanting to do you a favor. However I must disagree. I have done that sort of thing all my life. I always figured that's what neighbors are suppose to do. I always try to give more than I take, but prefer trading labor than getting money involved. I suggest always give people the benifit of the doubt .. let them prove they're not worthy of your friendship, & then you can insult them. My guess is you have a very good friend in the making.
Posted By: TEXAS715 Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/16/03 03:29 PM
I would invite him to some fishing and bar-b-q and a gift would be best. Offering your help when he needs something would be in order also.

Neighbors do things like that and money might breakdown that neighborly attitude.
Posted By: Pottsy Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/16/03 05:05 PM
I think you have one hell of a neighbour! I wish my neighbour had a track hoe. I would offer to pay for the fuel at least in case he has to pay for it, and go with the BBQ or gift idea... let him know that the work was much appreciated and you would like to return the favor when/how you can.
Posted By: Jim Courtney Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/16/03 05:11 PM
If you have or will offer to pay him and he doesn't take it. Be thankful you have such a good neighbor. Tell him your there to help him if he needs it. This is the way I would like to get "paid".
Posted By: ilovefishingmark Re: How much to pay neighbor - 09/16/03 08:39 PM
i hope it turns out he's just a heck of a neighbor. i like the bbq idea, paying for gas, etc. however, i feel that he will utilize your pond in the future, and if you wouldn't mind i bet if he's that nice of a person, he wouldn't take advantage of it. he may just not have the room for a pond, but you do and maybe he too will be a future pondmeister!! i suggest you get him a subscription to Pondboss Magazine!! then you two will probably learn together and be great neighbors and friends hopefully. I mean, look at all the folks on this website who help out and give advice for free, expecting nothing in return. the folks on this website just enjoy it, and maybe your neighbor is like that too. so, hopefully sounds like the start of a great neighbor relationship...now, if your wives get along...you are set!!! mark
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