Pond Boss
Posted By: joppa 50 yr. old pond, never managed - 03/03/03 04:48 PM
I have a 1-1.2 acre stock tank that has never been managed, about 20-30 years ago, some deer hunters threw in some bluegill and some LMB. Luckily, I have a pretty good established population of both species. The "pond record" bass is 3.2 pounds and was 22". I have been strictly catch and release for the past 5 years (when I inherited the pond). I have just found this website within the past few months, and I have found it to be very informative. I have decided to take out 25-30 LMB this year in the 8-12" range. My question for all you experts is this: When is the best time of year to take out the "cull" bass, during the spawn, early summer, late summer, etc., etc., etc. I also have noticed that I'm not catching bluegill as much as I did 3-4 years ago, they're still in there, but not as many. Should I cull out the juvenile bass this year and then stock some bluegill next year, or should I stock the bluegill now. The pond is in central Texas and is spring fed. The smallest I've ever seen it during the droughths made it about a .7-.8 acre pond. Thanks in advance for any info!
Posted By: tim k Re: 50 yr. old pond, never managed - 03/03/03 05:50 PM
I had a very similar situation several years ago - I have culled 25 lbs / acre/year and seen great results. I think the pros will advise you to cull year round - doing the culling all at once can throw the pond out of balance. I also went ahead at the start with stocking my bluegill - I believe if you will buy somewhat larger bluegill, they should survive just fine. Lastly, if you are not feeding your bluegill protein pellets during warm months I fully suggest you do that also.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: 50 yr. old pond, never managed - 03/03/03 09:24 PM
Most folks struggle to pull out the target number of bass so do it when you can catch them. Your plan sounds like a good one. The one bass you mentioned was extreemly skinny a 22" bass should weigh about 6.2 pounds not 3.2. If this was right you may want to pull out more than 30. BTW WOuld someone explain to me the theory of "throwing the system out of balance" by harvesting too many at once. I've never seen any problems with lots of bass harvest in the spring when pondowners have the most success with harvest.
Posted By: Fletch Re: 50 yr. old pond, never managed - 03/03/03 10:51 PM
"throwing the system out of balance" is one of the many old wives tales of lake mgmt. you hit the nail on the head. if the system was in balance you wouldnt be taking out the over populated bass. time and proven results will be the only way for people in the lake mgmt business to overcome the many myths and misconceptions of our industry. :p
Posted By: Critterhunter Re: 50 yr. old pond, never managed - 03/05/03 03:19 PM
I've been trying to manage a similar problem. I prefer to pull out the bass before the spawn so they aren't re-populating the problem. Also I'd try to stock some gills that are big enought to breed (5" or more) before the bluegill spawn, that way you're on your way to a more stable pond this summer.
Posted By: tim k Re: 50 yr. old pond, never managed - 03/05/03 07:02 PM
I may be wrong (which my wife tells me I am often!) - but I am fairly sure either I read in Pond Boss or from Bob Lusk directly that there could be some problems with pulling a large number of bass out at one time. I stand, however, to be corrected. Mark Mc may have clarification on this topic.
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