Pond Boss
Posted By: Editor, Mark McDonald taxidermist for a "pet" bass - 10/16/02 04:41 PM
Here's a note we received concerning a dead bass. Anybody help this guy?
Mark McDonald

Caught a 10-lb bass this summer and transferred her to one of our grow out
ponds. Thought everything was fine until she floated up and died a week
later. So I put her in a freezer and decided I might as well get her
Do you know of a good taxidermist who still does skin mounts of big bass? I
figure I could FedEx the fish in dry ice anywhere in the country. Any
personal recommendations you have would be much appreciated.
Jim Morgan
Posted By: Bob Koerber Re: taxidermist for a "pet" bass - 10/16/02 05:36 PM
Looks like a job for Cecil!
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: taxidermist for a "pet" bass - 10/17/02 02:03 AM
Cecil to the rescue? Cecil? Cecil?
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: taxidermist for a "pet" bass - 10/17/02 02:55 AM
Yes, that is my main profession and I do specialize in fish. You can refer him to my web site which has taxidermy work etc. at: http://www.ligtel.com/~jjbaird/bairdfish2.htm and then click "taxidermy work."

However, there are taxidermists listed for every state at this site: http://www.taxidermy.net/ and then click on taxidermists web pages.

Jim can look at the work of someone in his state or possibly area on their web page. Jim can also go to the forum page of this site in the fish category and inquire if there is anyone in his area that does fish taxidermy.

One word of advice. Look at the work first before committing. Fish taxidermy is an art and not all work is the same quality. The colors have to be reproduced w/ and airbrush and some people just don't every get the hang of it. A completed mount should look like it just came out of the water.

You also get what you pay for. I charge $11.00 per inch w/ a 50 % deposit required.
Posted By: Nick Smith Re: taxidermist for a "pet" bass - 11/13/02 04:38 PM
Don't want to steal any business from Cecil. But if here in Texas, Lake Fork Taxidermy does some of the best work that I have seen. I have compared their work to lots of others and it stands out above the rest.

So if the letter writer was from the Northern parts (read yankee) he can call on Cecil. If from this region, might want to look at LFT.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: taxidermist for a "pet" bass - 11/13/02 04:57 PM

Not to worry about taking work from me or offending me. Like I said, if someone can find good quality work locally that that's what they should do. Lake Fork's web page is as follows, and the work looks top notch.

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