Pond Boss
Posted By: Russell B Weeds in my pond - 03/05/22 01:34 PM
I just moved out here. Luther, OK. This is a one acre pond. No fish to speak of. This mossy stuff has already started. It will almost cover the pond. What is the answer?
Posted By: Quarter Acre Re: Weeds in my pond - 03/05/22 03:59 PM
First off. welcome to PB!

The first step is to identify what you are dealing with. More times than not, a pond owner with the problem you posted has filamentous algae. The Pond Boss acronym is "FA".

Plug this into your internet search (without the quotes)....

"filamentous algae FA site:forums.pondboss.com"

And you will get many, many, many hits from the PB forums.

FA likes shallower fertile waters that are not muddy. It likes sunlight and ample nutrients. Most new ponds do have much of a FA problem so long as they were dug rather deep with minimal shallow areas. It's the older ponds that have filled in muck that can produce copious amount so of the slimy stuff. The richer the muck, the more the FA will grow. It starts its lifecycle by growing on the bottom of the pond, then it lets go of the bottom and floats around the surface making more room on the bottom for more FA to grow.

Like I said, identify what you have. Posting a few pictures here will help...one from 10 foot away and a close up or two.
Posted By: FishinRod Re: Weeds in my pond - 03/05/22 04:19 PM
Russell, lots of experts on Pond Boss to help you. However, the more info you give, the more informative answers they can provide.

Can you give some more info about your pond?

Max depth, and average depth? Shallow slopes to the middle of the pond, or 3:1 slopes or greater? Spring fed, or surface run off? Water level stable during the spring and summer, or highly fluctuating?

You also say no fish! What are the goals for this pond? Fish are part of a normal pond ecology and can help with weed control - even if the pond is for swimming, landscaping, etc.
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