Pond Boss
Posted By: scott69 red and green surface algae - 08/20/18 03:31 AM
i have been having this red and green surface algae on and off for a while. anyone know what it is and should i be concerned? i have seen the green before, but not red like this.
Posted By: Clay N' Pray Re: red and green surface algae - 08/20/18 09:32 AM
I had very similar last month but no red.
To me, it looked like pollen that had accumulated on the water.
I think it came off my white willow trees.
Posted By: scott69 Re: red and green surface algae - 08/21/18 01:06 AM
clay, i have seen the green surface algae at both of my ponds for years. it always looks like a pollen of some type, but it isn't. i thought for the first several times it was pollen too. yours may very well be pollen. this red has me thrown off.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: red and green surface algae - 08/21/18 03:13 AM
Hi Scott

I've not experienced this before...it certainly looks red and not brown...if brown I'd suspect decaying phytoplankton following a copper treatment or some other major kill event [weather related, etc.]. I'd email a photo of this to Cody, Ewest, and Lusk...I know there are red algae and IIRC they are typically considered bad...but that's in the ocean. I'd make this a priority - get with these guys ASAP.

Do you have aeration yet?
Posted By: snrub Re: red and green surface algae - 08/21/18 04:07 AM
May be early stages of cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae). If it is the colors will continue to turn into something that looks like spilled paint with green, red, brown and turquoise as best I remember from a couple of my outbreaks.

If it does change and progress like I describe it will also develop a bad smell and is not good for pets or humans to have contact with it.

I've not had it as bad this year as the last two years. I installed a more robust aeration pump with more air flow/water turn over and I am hoping that is what made the difference. Or it could be just a different year with different conditions.
Posted By: scott69 Re: red and green surface algae - 08/22/18 02:19 AM
i just sent mr bob an email with the pictures. i hope to hear something back soon.
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