Pond Boss
Posted By: anthropic Away with Geese! - 03/11/18 11:59 PM
I am now the proud (!) owner of a pond with six geese and a few cormorants. Am getting the Scare Eye for water turkeys, but need Away with Geese water lights for geese.

Two questions: One, will the scare eye balloons also work on geese?

Two, if they don't, does Pond Boss have any special discount with Away with Geese? At $400 a pop, this really costs! eek

PS Geese don't bother me the way water turkeys do, since geese don't eat my fish. However, they do leave a mess and they do eat fish feed when they can get to it before the fish do.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 11:39 AM
I've not heard of PB marketing anything that scares geese.

I'm not going to recommend that you break the law but; if I raised chickens and a chicken hawk was eating them I would take measures to protect my chickens.
Posted By: FayetteTX Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 01:01 PM
Anthropic - pls let us know how the Scare Eyes work on the cormorants. Thanks.
Posted By: liquidsquid Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 02:09 PM
You can try imitating how the Away With Geese works by taking two
solar garden lights and place them close enough together near the ground to simulate predator eyes. Not too bright, but just enough to make the geese uneasy like they are being stared at by a coyote. You could dim them with some yellow material that lets light through.

I put a pair on the end of my dock, and it is either a much more attractive pond nearby or the lights, I don't get many birds.

I did get Trumpeter swans last week though! But during the day. They make a 1/2 acre pond look small. Glad they moved on though. They would probably poo about the size of a flying toilet, not to mention they are vicious when defending a nest.
Posted By: BrianL Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 03:01 PM
I have been dealing with cormorants this year as well. I started wondering about getting a smaller air dancer or air crow to put between the pond and my fruit trees to see if it might work on water turkeys and fruit theives.
Posted By: Dam'dWaters Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 03:24 PM
Have you ever watched a youtube video showing geese reacting to green lasers? It is amazing how a little laser can chase 100's of geese.


I have a laser Christmas light with a star pattern that's meant to shine on a building which I've plugged in down by the pond last fall. Not sure how much credit goes to the light, but I haven't seen big flocks of geese since then. I do have a persistent pair that hang around though. I could live with a pair, but the first fall after my pond was built I counted over 60 birds on my little puddle at times. I haven't seen that since, but now that I've posted this I will probably see every goose in the county on my pond tonight.
Posted By: anthropic Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 06:59 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions & comments, guys.

I'm gonna go with the Scare Eye balloons for the cormorants and see what happens. Not gonna break the law, so I guess I'll have to get creative in discouraging them! I wonder if a noisemaker would have some effect, or possibly that Christmas house light.

Last year I went to addle the goose eggs but was too late. Two then, six this year (so far), probably twenty next year. Gotta do something fast...
Posted By: canyoncreek Re: Away with Geese! - 03/12/18 07:25 PM
bottle rockets and airsoft automatic style guns can work if you are on site.

Otherwise you can get noisemakers like are used in fruit orchards, some go off on a timer others can be triggered remotely (smartphone)

Another effective tool is to buzz bomb them with a RC drone. If you have any teenage neighbor kids you can pay them to randomly stop by and chase the geese around with their drone.

I'm not sure what it is about flashing lights but polished mirrors hanging on string that would flash the sun into their eyes might work.

If you had access to a garden hose under pressure they make a motion activated sprinkler that will hose down anything that is in front of it when the motion detector is tripped. It is meant for deer but should work with anything that doesn't like to get sprayed.

I wonder how it would work if they were bombarded with noise, either the higher pitch sounds (higher than human hearing) or the ultralow sound that you feel more than you hear? There might be some research online about that.
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