Pond Boss
I took a video with my phone yesterday, but can't get it to load. It was a swarm yesterday.
I imagine the GBH, and the water snakes will be feasting for a while. They are small enough maybe the SMB will get some. Nothing will touch the tadpoles, but I've heard the frogs are fair game.
Took a screen shot from the video. Still doesn't show the chaos of a hundred frogs jumping everywhere.

When the tadpoles transform into frogs, a lot of biomass leaves the pond, which is a good thing in mid summer. Bullfrog and leopard frog tadpoles are large and make lots of waste. I had thousands five weeks ago, but they are all frogs now, and have scattered, maybe to the creek and other ponds.
Good news about the biomass. I hadn't thought about that. Seeing them yesterday, it was almost biblical. (Let my people go!) I have never seen so many at one time. I guess it's like the baby sea turtles hatching. Only a small percentage actually will live long enough to reproduce. Everything will be feeding on them.
I went up to check the water temps, and the feeder. Both were fine. The water was cooler than I thought it would be. 87* at 36". Much cooler below that. The feeder was empty. After filling it I threw out a handful or three. Was surprised at the feeding activity at 1:00 in the afternoon, with temps in the 90s.
My first spring at the pond I had a small 3" frog every 10" of shoreline and sometimes there was a frog every couple of inches of shoreline. I had never seen so many frogs. Still not sure if they were bull or leopard frogs. My Charlie, a small 6lb toy Malty Poo would give chase and swim after them. It was crazy, so many frogs. In conversation with Todd Overton, he told me I would never see that again and he was right. My situation was due to no predators in the pond at that time. And I used to have a lot of very large Bull frogs in the pond, lots of them, but now only a couple of the really big one's and figure that is due to the larger lmb in the pond. I bet ya wont see very many next year, your smallies will most likely tear them up smile
Last year it looked like it was raining all the time, with the thousands and thousands of tadpoles coming up for air. There's still a fair number of tadpoles, but it's less than half what it was. Now it's thousands of frogs. I just hope it doesn't turn into thousands of snakes!! shocked
"Biblical" is the term at my pond as well. It's the first season past its renovation with no stocked fish yet. I have had at least 5 species of tadpoles emerge and they keep coming. First it was toads, then tree frogs and leopards, now spring peepers and bull frogs. I am really amazed how quickly they disperse into the wild. I would have thought that my land would be so covered with jumpers that you couldn't walk to the garage without stepping on one, but they must spread out away from the pond in a hurry and/or get eaten the moment the take to land. I am thankful however, because I have seen tens of thousands of tadpoles in the pond and that's a lot of frogs/toads! My forage next year for the initial stocking is looking to be in good order with the FHMs doing there thing, I have bucket stocked a couple hundred crawdads, and if a small percentage of the jumpers come back the new fish will be fat and happy.
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