Pond Boss
Posted By: LarryHale Sorting user list - 01/28/15 05:43 PM
Is there any way to sort the user list to search it for users near me? It sure would be handy.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Sorting user list - 01/28/15 08:13 PM
If you go to the User List and click on the heading "Location" the list will sort alphabetically on the location. The first few pages have issues, but once you get past them it works properly.
Posted By: LarryHale Re: Sorting user list - 01/28/15 10:07 PM

Thanks for the reply, but I think you misunderstood. What I'd like to be able to do is in the search box, type in "Location=SC" and it just show users that have SC in their location data.
Posted By: fish n chips Re: Sorting user list - 01/28/15 11:01 PM
Larry, I think Dwight got it right. Do what he says and click on the "location" word. It will sort them out alphabetically. If you click on that again, it puts the list in reverse.

You have to manually find the page that SC is on. That will take some work, but is totally do-able. It don't look right for the first pages like Dwight said, but once you get to page 5, you get into the "A"'s and so forth.

Where it gets messy is if someone would put western SC, then you probably won't find it, cuz it would be listed in with the "w"'s......Hope that makes sense to you.
Posted By: LarryHale Re: Sorting user list - 01/29/15 01:57 AM
Thanks, that explains it better.
Posted By: DNickolaus Re: Sorting user list - 01/29/15 02:33 AM
what he really wants is ePond-mony with a Compatibility Matching System. Cause like was stated, folks who list their location as Sol are hard to find a nearest neighbor.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Sorting user list - 01/30/15 06:42 PM
Originally Posted By: DNickolaus
what he really wants is ePond-mony with a Compatibility Matching System. Cause like was stated, folks who list their location as Sol are hard to find a nearest neighbor.

I feel the jab. smile
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