Pond Boss
Posted By: Pat Williamson OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/09/14 07:52 PM
Recaught some transplanted CNBG over one lb out of my pond recently only to find that a few of them had open red sores on various areas of their body. They were also very thin . All the stocked CNBG 1-3" were now5"+ and they were fat and healthy looking. Could this be from transplanting adult fish from one BOW to another and the stress of moving?

Pat W
Posted By: Tums Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/09/14 08:15 PM
It may be red Sore Disease (see link)
UF Red Sore
Posted By: RC51 Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/09/14 08:58 PM
With something like that and you said they looked skinny too I would have just culled them. Maybe by you keeping 6 to 8 of them you might break the chain?? I don't know for sure but it couldn't hurt. Some may die some may live, or you could have a bad run of it and a lot of your fish get it and die... That's just me I am not one to keep fish if they don't look very good or look sick. You can always get other fish once the "chain has been broken" and the sickness seems to be gone.

Good Luck keep us posted. Maybe show us a pic, that may help the experts here be able to tell you what to do??

Posted By: catmandoo Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/09/14 09:11 PM
I unfortunatley cannot find older posting about this issue, even though a lot of my photos are in circulation. A number of other people, especially EWEST and Bruce Condello have reported on this issue. Unfortunately, as we have upgraded our software and software versions, we have lost a number of older postsl.

Here is one of my photos from a number of years ago;

Is this what you are seeing?

If so, I think we have some answers.

Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/09/14 10:11 PM
That's pretty much the way it looks although not as many sores per fish

Pat W
Posted By: ewest Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/10/14 05:41 PM
See if this helps

Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/10/14 06:17 PM
Can't get any to open- says hacked by Neptune

The pix of BG looks like the same as my fish do what is it and will it go away by itself this fall?

So guys what do yall think the problem is and how do I fix it?

Pat W
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/11/14 02:24 PM
Ok pros do yall think I will have to medicate the whole pond or will this go away on its own as the water temperatures drop. I just started feeding with the feeder about 3-4weeks ago.. Before I would feed when I was up. Any advice would be helpful.

Pat W
Posted By: Tums Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 03:52 PM
Pat I have not had red sore in any of my ponds. However when I have something happen I start feeding a 50/50 mixture of medicated feed & regular feed. I have had high density populations where I had to be proactive at the first sign of disease. I also have dumped in salt (non iodized safe for consumption) into the water to help out. Salt is basically like giving an aspirin to fish.

Salt In Aquaculture PDF
Posted By: esshup Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 03:58 PM
Tums, can you post a link to the food that was medicated? (or what you did to medicate the fish)
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 04:01 PM

Where would you find medicated feed? I don't have a high density of fish yet. I put in 1000 CNBG/ RES, 300 Black crappie , 50 adult CNBG caught from neighbors pond, and 50#s FHM and a few bad that someone else (helped ) with. In a 5 ac. Pond

Pat W

Also whatever spawned this spring is added to the mix
Posted By: esshup Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 04:09 PM
Pat, unless you have time in your schedule to feed the same time every day, I'd look into getting an automated feeder. The fish will be spread out all over the pond, and it might be hard to get them conditioned to feeding next year. It will help greatly if they were feed trained at the fish supplier. They remember, they really do.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted By: Tums
Pat I have not had red sore in any of my ponds. However when I have something happen I start feeding a 50/50 mixture of medicated feed & regular feed. I have had high density populations where I had to be proactive at the first sign of disease. I also have dumped in salt (non iodized safe for consumption) into the water to help out. Salt is basically like giving an aspirin to fish.

Salt In Aquaculture PDF

When you used medicated feed did you know exactly what pathogen you were dealing with or was this a it can't hurt approach.

I can't imagine adding enough salt to a pond to have a therapeutic effect. Even my 1/10th acre ponds would take a few hundred pounds of salt.
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 09:53 PM
Esshup- I have a fish feeder going for about 6weeks now and have noticed that the adult CNBG that were real skinny are now looking much better- don't know if it's from feeding on a regular schedule or from breeding being over for the season.

Cecil- as far as salting5acres not so sure about the cost of that undertaking

Pat W
Posted By: Tums Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 10:01 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
Tums, can you post a link to the food that was medicated? (or what you did to medicate the fish)

Esshup here you can order medicated feed thru the local coop. I mostly used the Terramycin sinking feed with channel catfish.
UF Medicated Feed (1995)

Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson

Where would you find medicated feed?

Pat I can order my medicated sinking feed thru the local farmer coop here. It comes in 50# bags. The only 2 types of medicated I ever used are on the link I posted for Esshup. The sinking feed takes a lot longer than the floating feed to get out of the fishes system (you are supposed to wait like a month for consumption of fish). I already feed a mix of sinking and floating feed. The biggest reason I mix it 50/50 is that I can see that fish are still feeding (not to sick to feed) and it is what they are somewhat used to.

Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

When you used medicated feed did you know exactly what pathogen you were dealing with or was this a it can't hurt approach.

I can't imagine adding enough salt to a pond to have a therapeutic effect. Even my 1/10th acre ponds would take a few hundred pounds of salt.

Cecil understand most of my experience is in a high density CC environment. First the most important thing to due if you are going to feed medicated is start the treatment even before you have a official diagnoses. If you wait for the 100% diagnoses the fish may have got to sick to feed adequately on the medicated feed. That saving a few dollars on medicated feed then just got really expensive.

Cecil that is a misconception of using salt. Salt can help even on the PPM scale. Say your 1/10 acre pond had 1 acre feet of water (or 10 ft deep avg) and you have a Brown Blood disease problem. Your NO2 is 10 PPM & CI is 20 PPM. You would only need to add 45# of salt to prevent some fish from getting BBD or 180# to treat it. I am not saying I use salt as a dip to treat fish. Salt in lower levels can help prevent disease from spreading just like an aspirin can help prevent a heart attack. Also note using salt all the time will make disease also build up a immunity. Salt in aquaculture is a friend.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/14/14 11:56 PM

You're absolutely right on everything you said. I wasn't aware you had experience with high density catfish. And yeah if you wait for diagnosis it's usually too late. Been there done that! The diagnosis lab refused to even give me an idea. Last time I wasted my time on that. Took weeks to get an answer back!

Now I just manage my ponds to lower density and stress and I usually don't have any issues. I also don't bring in fish from wild sources.

Yes you only need a few ppm of chloride from the NACL to aleviate brown blood disease from nitrites. I thought you were trying to achieve 0.5 percent or something.
Posted By: esshup Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/15/14 12:19 AM
Thanks Tums! I'll check with the co-op and see if it's available here. That way if I do end up needing it I'll know where to get it and I won't be scrambling.
Posted By: djstauder Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/15/14 02:34 PM
You say "Also note using salt all the time will make disease also build up a immunity" Does that mean the fish develop an immunity to the disease or the disease develops an immunity to the salt? The first sounds good and the second sounds bad.
Posted By: ewest Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/16/14 06:13 PM
Salt in the right amounts helps with a fish's slime coat which helps with stress avoidance wrt skin/scale matters.
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/16/14 06:50 PM
How many lbs would be benificial in 5acres?

Posted By: Tums Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/16/14 09:10 PM
Originally Posted By: djstauder
You say "Also note using salt all the time will make disease also build up a immunity" Does that mean the fish develop an immunity to the disease or the disease develops an immunity to the salt? The first sounds good and the second sounds bad.

DJ The way it was passed to me is that a salt solution that is not strong enough to kill a Bacteria will allow it so build up more of a resistance to salt over prolonged exposure. Same goes for medicated feed when not feeding the correct amount or number of days. The Bacteria will build up a resistance which will make it more difficult to treat the next time.

SRAC on feeding medicated feed
Feeding lower concentrations of antibiotics or decreasing the number of days the drug is fed can allow the bacterial pathogens to develop a resistance to the antibiotic. The antibiotic, then, would not be able to control certain infections that may occur later at your fish farm or hatchery.
Posted By: Tums Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/16/14 09:59 PM
Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson
How many lbs would be benificial in 5acres?


Pat the amount of Salt is based on water Acres (which would be in your case 5 ac X Overall Avg Depth). The Aquaculture Center recommends a .1% to 1% solution for building a slime coat for stress relief when handling and shipping fish. Translated .1% to 1% solution is 1,000 PPM to 10,000 PPM (part per Million). 1 PPM is equal to 2.7 lbs of salt per 1 water acre.

So lets say your 5 ac avg depth is 10' that would put you at 50 Water Acres. To make a solution of .1% it would take (270# per water acre x 50) 13,500 #. As you can see price per ton Is the most economical route.
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 10/17/14 02:39 AM
Dangit Tums
I was hoping I could chunk a couple of salt shakers in and call it good. Seriously thanks for the figures and I'll see if I can find bulk salt.

Pat W
Posted By: jstclair Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 07/02/15 12:41 AM
Anyone have any advice on round very red sores on the back and sides of CC and BG? These are much larger then the few pictures I can find here that survived the loss of legacy posts and pics. Maybe 1/2 inch across on BG, 3/4ths inch on the cats. Most infected fish have only one spot, but some have a couple. Its not on gills or lips and is so red at first I thought they were wounds from the heron and egret that enjoy my 1/2 acre buffet.

A week ago just a few cats had this, now maybe 10% of all the fish have it. Its been very hot the last two weeks with much lower wind then is common in NE Oklahoma. No aeration in this pond.

I feed them daily and overpopulation might be a factor on this 3 year old pond. If anyone has thoughts on this I'll attempt to get a picture or two posted...
Posted By: esshup Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 07/02/15 01:08 AM
Spawning stress/wounds fighting for territory for spawning is what I think it is.
Posted By: jstclair Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 07/02/15 08:54 PM
Thanks for your thoughts!!!

I assume getting some aeration would help a lot, as would pulling some fish out.

Getting out of the high 90s wouldn't hurt either.

I have quite a few turtles - some small to medium sized turtles swim over and compete for fish pellets, but I've never seen them bite, mainly they get shoved under by a ton of catfish converging on them.

Anything else, especially that can be done quickly/cheaply?

Posted By: TGW1 Re: OPEN RED SORES ON CNBG - 07/03/15 01:29 PM
Originally Posted By: Tums
Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson
How many lbs would be benificial in 5acres?


Pat the amount of Salt is based on water Acres (which would be in your case 5 ac X Overall Avg Depth). The Aquaculture Center recommends a .1% to 1% solution for building a slime coat for stress relief when handling and shipping fish. Translated .1% to 1% solution is 1,000 PPM to 10,000 PPM (part per Million). 1 PPM is equal to 2.7 lbs of salt per 1 water acre.

So lets say your 5 ac avg depth is 10' that would put you at 50 Water Acres. To make a solution of .1% it would take (270# per water acre x 50) 13,500 #. As you can see price per ton Is the most economical route.
Contact OFI Testing in Houston and place an order for the 1,000ppm Silver nitrate solution along with a 2oz bottle of Potassium Chromate and a 10 mil pipette. With this you can titrate the salt in the water now and then add salt and continue testing until you get the 1,000 to 10,000ppm of salt in the water. It's simple test and you can add salt as needed to get you where you want to be. Sorry to hear about the BG Pat, I hope this helps.

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